Browsing by Author/ PI/CoPI Ahmadzai, K.M
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
1-Jan-2019 | Economical optimum dose of phosphorus for mungbean (Vigna radiata) under contrasting tillage practices in arid region | Stori, R.M.; Parihar, C.M.; Ahmadi, S; Ahmadzai, K.M; Nayak, H.S; Jat, S.L.; Wasifhy, M.K; Sayedi, S.A.; Shamsi, A.B; Ehsan, Q; Parihar, M.D; Kumar, L; Meena, B.R; Mandal, B.N. |
1-Dec-2018 | Effect of tillage practices and phosphorus doses on the performance of mungbean (Vigna radiata) in semi-arid Kandahar region of Afghanistan | Stori, R.M.; Parihar, C.M; Ahmadzai, K.M; Jat, S.L; Mandal, B.N.; Kumar, L; Meena, B.R. |