Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
1-Jan-2018 | Coping strategies for sheep management to climatic stress through nutritional and environmental manipulations in arid region of western India | Mathur, B.K.; Kumar Abhishek; Bairwa Mukesh; Patidar Tejkaran; Ullah Ubed; Bohra R.C.; Tanwar, S.P.S.; Bhatt, R.K. |
1-Jan-2014 | Diversity analysis (genetic, molecular and gum content) of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) - An emerging industrial crop | Jukanti, A.K.; Bhatt, R.K.; Sharma, R.; Kalia, R.K. |
1-Jan-2011 | Effect of foliage cutting on seed yield and its quality in Cenchrus ciliaris | Rajora, M.P.; Bhatt, R.K.; Roy, M.M. |
1-Jan-2015 | Fodder productivity of different genotypes of Cenchrus ciliaris under hot arid climate of Thar Desert | Rajora, M.P.; Bhatt, R.K.; Jindal, S.K.; Shantharaja, C.S. |
4-Mar-2014 | Horticultural crops and production system in relation to climate change in Indian hot desert | Meghwal, P.R.; Roy, S.; Kumar, S.; Bhatt, R.K. |
1-Jan-2015 | Impact of climate change on hot arid grasslands of India | Bhatt, R.K.; Rajora, M.P.; Raja, P.; Gaur, M.K. |
2-Dec-2012 | Impact of Temperature and humidity on the dynamics of insect pollinators of Ziziphus mauritiana | Roy, Sharmila; Bhatt, R.K.; Meghwal, P. R.; Gulab Chand; Dinesh Kumawat |
31-Dec-2013 | Improving sheep productivity in the Thar Desert through strategic supplementation and health care | Mathur, B.K.; Singh, J.P.; Jat, S.R.; Bhatt, R.K.; Roy, M.M. |
11-Sep-2011 | Influence of foliage cutting on seed yield and its quality in Cenchrus ciliaris | Rajora, M.P.; Bhatt, R.K. |
1-Jan-2018 | Pasture grasses of hot arid region and their production technology | Rajora, M.P.; Bhatt, R.K.; Patidar, M. |
1-Nov-2015 | Phenotypic variability of cenchrus ciliaris L. Germplasm in field gene bank | Shantharaja, C.S.; Bhatt, R.K.; M. P. Rajora |
1-Jan-2002 | Photosynthetic efficiency in relation to biomass production in some elite genotypes of Cenchrus ciliaris. | Baig, M.J.; Bhatt, R.K.; Misra, U.S. |
1-Sep-2018 | Plant Genetic Resources in Hot Arid Region | Bhatt, R.K.; Singh, J.P.; Rajora, M.P.; Saha, Dipankar; Kalia, K. Rajwant |
1-Jan-2017 | Role of seasonal vegetation in sustenance of tussocky arid rangelands under different grazing pressure | Kumar, Suresh; Singh, J.P.; VenkatesanK.; Mathur, B.K.; Bhatt, R.K. |
20-Mar-2015 | Simulation of Land-Surface Processes using Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Mesoscale Atmospheric Model over Thar Desert, India | Raja, P.; Srinivas, C.V.; Bhattacharyya, B.K.; Nilendu , S.; Sinha, N.K.; Maharaj Singh; Pandey C.B.; Bhatt, R.K. |
1-Jan-2014 | Suitable grass species for sustainable production in hot arid region | Rajora, M.P.; Bhatt, R.K.; Mahajan S.S. |
1-Jan-2014 | Towards developing climate resilient pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) cultivars | Jukanti, A.K.; Manga, V.K.; Singh, S.K.; Bhatt, R.K. |