Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
1-Jan-2013 | Effect of calcium and boron on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seed yield in Alfisols. | Murthy, I.Y.L.N.,; SudhakaraBabu, S.N.; Haripriya, Ch.V.; Bhaskar Reddy, M. |
1-Jan-2013 | Effect of calcium and boron on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seed yield in Alfisols. | Murthy, I.Y.L.N.; Sudhakara Babu, S.N.; Haripriya, Ch.V.; Bhaskara Reddy, M. |
1-Jan-2013 | Effect of calcium and boron on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seed yield in Alfisols. | Murthy, I.Y.L.N.; Sudhakara Babu, S.N.; Haripriya, Ch.V.; Bhaskara Reddy, M. |
10-Jan-2013 | Effect of nutrient management practices on the productivity, economics and soil fertility of castor (Ricinuscommunis) - sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cropping system in rainfed Alfisols. | Ramesh, P.; Raghavaiah, C.V.; Murthy, I.Y.L.N.; Haripriya, Ch.V. |
1-Jan-2013 | Establishment of critical boron limits for castor (Ricinus communis L.) in red sandy loam soils with various boron extractants. | Murthy, I.Y.L.N.,; Haripriya, Ch.V.; Padmavathi, P. |
1-Jan-2015 | Use of soil test kits in assessing soil fertility of castor growing soils of semi-arid tropics. | Murthy, I.Y.L.N.; Haripriya, Ch.V.; Padmaiah, M. |