Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
1-Mar-2012 | Advances of GIS and remote sensing in hydro-geomorphology | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2012 | Conceptual design of soil information system – A Geoportal | Obi Reddy, G.P.; Dipak Sarkar |
1-Mar-2012 | Digital Elevation Models- Sources and resolutions | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2018 | Digital Image Processing: Principles and Applications. In: Reddy G.P.O. and Singh S.K. (Eds.). Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management. | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2012 | Geomorphological processes and evolution of landforms | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2016 | Geospatial database mangement in GIS, In: Land Use Planning for Arresting Land degrdation, Combating Climate Change and Ensuring Food Security | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2018 | Geospatial Technologies in Integrated Watershed Management. In: Reddy G.P.O. and Singh S.K. (Eds.). Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management. | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2012 | GIS and remote sensing applications in watershed hydrology | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2018 | Global Positioning System: Principles and Applications. In: Reddy G.P.O. and Singh S.K. (Eds.). Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management. | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2012 | Principles and applications of digital terrain analysis | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2012 | Principles and concepts of GIS | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2012 | Principles of digital image processing | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2018 | Remote Sensing and GIS in Digital Terrain Modeling. In: Reddy G.P.O. and Singh S.K. (Eds.). Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management. | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2018 | Remote Sensing and GIS in Mapping and Monitoring of Land Degradation. In: Reddy G.P.O. and Singh S.K. (Eds.) Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management. | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2018 | Satellite Remote Sensing Sensors: Principles and Applications. In: Reddy G.P.O. and Singh S.K. (Eds.). Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management. | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2016 | Soil Geoportal Developemental and Its Applications, In: Land Use Planning for Arresting Land degrdation, Combating Climate Change and Ensuring Food Security | Obi Reddy, G.P. |
1-Mar-2018 | Spatial Data Management, Analysis, and Modeling in GIS: Principles and Applications. In: Reddy G.P.O. and Singh S.K. (Eds.). Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management. | Obi Reddy, G.P. |