Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
2016 | Characterization of Drudgery and drudgery load in wheat production system of Hill region | Vinay, D.; Seema, K.; Sharma, S.; Pandey, K. |
2016 | Characterization of drudgery and drudgery load in wheat production system of hill region | Vinay, D.; Kwatra, S.; Sharma, S.; Pandey, K. |
1-Jun-2017 | Construction and standardization of ergonomics knowledge test | Pandey, K.; Vinay, D. |
Jan-2017 | Effect of backpack use on musculoskeletal discomfort among preadolescents school children | Malik, M.; Vinay, D.; Pandey, K. |
1-Mar-2017 | Effect of backpack weight on postural angles in preadolescence school children | Malik M.; Vinay, D.; Pandey, K. |
1-Sep-2016 | Optimization of the process parameters in rice mill using response surface methodology (RSM) | Pandey, K.; Vinay, D. |
1-May-2016 | Participatory ergonomics (PE), its benefits and implications: a systematic review | Pandey, K.; Vinay, D. |
2015 | Quantification and classification of low back pain severity based on Aberdeen low back pain scale | Pandey, K.; Vinay, D. |
28-Mar-2016 | Socio Economic Patterning of smoking and tobacco consumption in India | Pandey, K.; Vinay, D. |
9-Sep-2016 | Socio-economic status and gender participation in wheat production system of Uttarakhand | Vinay, D.; Kwatra, S.; Sharma, S.; Pandey, K. |