Browsing by Author/ PI/CoPI R.K. Chaturvedi
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
Jan-2015 | Effect of long-term irrigation with wastewater on growth, biomass production and water use by Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm.) planted at variable stocking density | P.S. Minhas,; R.K. Yadav,; K. Lal,; R.K. Chaturvedi |
Jan-2015 | Long term impact of waste water irrigation and nutrient rates:I. Performance, sustainability and produce quality of peri urbancropping systems | PS Minhas,; Lal K,; R.K. Yadav,; S.K. Dubey,; R.K. Chaturvedi |
15-Mar-2015 | Long term impact of wastewater irrigation and nutrient rates: I. Performance, sustainability and produce quality of peri urban cropping systems | .S.Minhas; Khajanchi-Lal; R.K.Yadav; S.K.Dubey,; R.K. Chaturvedi |