Browsing by Author/ PI/CoPI Rajkumar, U.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
7-Nov-2020 | Brochure on Ghagus (Telugu) | Haunshi, S.; Rao, J. S.; Rajkumar, U.; Pratap, D. |
1-Nov-2022 | Carcass characteristics, meat quality and nutritional composition of Kadaknath, a native chicken breed of India | Santosh Haunshi; Devatkal Suresh; Prince, L.L.L.; Rajkumar, U.; Kannaki, R.; Chatterjee, R.N. |
1-Apr-2023 | Effect of broodiness on production traits and its association with polymorphism in 5’ regulatory region of dopamine D2 receptor gene in Ghagus breed | Naveen, T.; Haunshi, S.; Rajkumar, U.; Sakaram, D.; Chatterjee, R.N. |
1-May-2022 | Genetic parameters of growth traits, trend of production and reproduction traits, and meat quality status of Ghagus, an indigenous chicken of India | Santosh Haunshi; Rajkumar, U.; Prince, LLL; Kannaki, R.; Kandeepan, G.; Devatkal Suresh; Chatterjee, R.N. |