Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
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Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
6-Apr-2023 | Access to and adoption of fisheries information by agricultural households | Sajesh, V. K.; Suresh, A.; Rejula; Pe. Jeyya Jeyanthi |
7-Aug-2023 | Advanced extension techniques for harnessing potential of fisheries sector | Sajesh, V. K. |
12-Dec-2022 | Advanced extension techniques for translating research to development in fisheries | Mohanty, A. K.; Sajesh, V. K.; Sajeev, M. V.; Pe. Jeyya Jeyanthi; Rejula, K. |
24-Jul-2022 | Career opportunities for fisheries graduates | Sajesh, V. K. |
Apr-2023 | Development of a scale to measure fishers’ attitude towards responsible fishing | Rejula, K.; Sajesh, V. K.; Monalisha Devi, S.; Ashaletha, S.; Nikita Gopal,; Mohanty, A. K.; Ravishankar, C. N. |
31-Jan-2023 | Estimation of Revenue-Based Fishing Capacity of Trawlers Using Data Envelopment Analysis | Pe. Jeyya Jeyanthi; Geethalakshmi, V.; Sajesh, V. K.; Chandrasekar, V.; Mohanty, A. K.; Nikita Gopal |
2018 | Forecasting using Delphi method: an Overview | Sajesh, V. K. |
9-Jan-2020 | Innovative Extension Approaches for Sustainable Technology Dissemination in Fisheries | Mohanty, A. K.; Sajesh, V. K.; Sajeev, M. V. |
9-Jan-2023 | Innovative extension approaches for technology dissemination in fisheries | Mohanty, A. K.; Sajesh, V. K.; Sajeev, M. V.; Chandrasekhar, V.; Rejula, K. |
31-Jan-2023 | Marine fisheries in Kerala, India: An extension perspective | Sajesh, V. K.; Suresh, A.; Mohanty, A. K. |
31-Jan-2024 | Market Reforms of Marine Fisheries During COVID-19 in Kerala: Implications for Sustainable Management | Suresh, A.; Sajesh, V. K.; Mohanty, A. K.; Ravishankar, C. N. |
17-Jan-2023 | Novel extension approaches for technology dissemination in fisheries | Mohanty, A. K.; Suresh, A.; Sajesh, V. K. |
Dec-2018 | Pluralism in Agricultural Extension in India: Imperatives and Implications | Sajesh, V. K.; Padaria, R. N.; Sadamate, V. V. |
25-Nov-2019 | Protocols for the production of high value secondary products from industrial fish and shellfish processing | Remya, S.; Mandakini Devi, H.; Sreelakshmi, K. R.; Sajesh, V. K. |
12-Dec-2022 | Recent Technological Developments in Fisheries: Pre and Post Harvest Operations | Mohanty, A. K.; Bindu, J.; Remesan, M. P.; Sajesh, V. K.; Elavarasan, K.; Renjith, R. K. |
27-Oct-2018 | Safety of Fisherfolk at Seas: Points for Critical Intervention | Suresh, A.; Sajesh, V. K.; Mohanty, A.K.; Ravishankar, C.N.; Mohanan, M. P.; Joshy, C. D. |
Jul-2021 | Skill development in marine fisheries: Some reflections on the issues and way outs | Sajesh, V. K.; Suresh, A.; Mohanty, A. K.; Singh, V.; Ravishankar, C.N. |
Jan-2023 | Spatial and temporal variation of women labour in fish vending in Kerala | Pe. Jeyya Jeyanthi; Sajesh, V. K.; Nikita Gopal |
17-Jan-2020 | Streamlining Fisheries Extension | Sajesh, V. K.; Suresh, A.; Mohanty, A. K.; Sajeev, M. V. |
Jan-2019 | Study of e-commerce fish marketplace in Kerala | Sajeev, M. V.; Suresh, A.; Sajesh, V. K.; Rejula, K. |