Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
1-Jan-2009 | Agronomic management for sustainable crop production in Arid Environment | Joshi, NL; Devidayal; Anurag Saxena; Kumawat, R.N.; Singh, I.; Bhati, D.S.; Yadava, N.D.; Burman, U.; Rao, SS; Regar. PL; Tanwar, SPS; Singh, H; Singh AK; (Eds. Amal Kar, Garg BK, Singh, MP and Kathju S). |
1-Jan-2016 | Enhancing yield of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. Taub) with foliar application of sulphydryl compounds under hot arid condition. | Nathawat, N.S.; Rathore, V.S.,; Meel, B.; Bhardwaj, S.; Yadava, N.D. |
1-Jun-2006 | Production potential of arid legumes under grass based strip cropping system in arid rainfed condition of western Rajasthan. | Soni, M.L.; Yadava, N.D.; Beniwal, R.K.; Singh J.P.; Sunil Kumar |
1-Dec-2006 | Root distribution pattern of two predominant grasses viz. Lasiurus sindicus and Cenchrus ciliaris of arid ecosystem of western Rajasthan in relation to their soil binding capacity. | Soni, M.L.; Beniwal, R.K.; Talwar, H. S.; Yadava, N.D.; Singh, J.P.; Sunil Kumar |