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Technology Data Repository

KRISHI: Technology Collections Developed by ICAR Institutes

General Part-1

Technology Code:- : 201575275985365
Organization Details...
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name : {{orgOb.orgName}} ,{{orgOb.City}}
AICRP name if any (AICRP) : All Not Applicable {{aicrpOb.aicrpName}}
Division name if any : Division of Crop Protection
Principal Inventor : Dr Santhosh J Eapen
Principal Inventor Designation: : Principal Scientist
Principal Inventor Email :
Principal Inventor Address : Division of Crop Protection, ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode-673012
Co-Inventor Name : Dr. K V Ramana,
Technology Details..
Major resource : All Not Applicable {{majorOb.majreName}}
Minor Subject Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorName}}
Minor Subject Sub Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorsubName}}
Technology Group : All Not Applicable {{techgroup.tecg_group_name}}
Technology Related To : All Not Applicable {{techrela.tr_name}}
Complete Details of Technology: :
Pochonia chlamydosporia is a fungus that can colonize the rhizosphere without causing lesions to the plants or affecting plant growth. It is a notable facultative parasite of eggs of sedentary cyst and root-knot nematodes and is one of the most studied potential biological control agents of nematodes. Several Pochonia species have even been reported to show endophytic behaviour, which may result in benefits to the host plant defense against soil-borne pathogens.In the present day crop production, farmers/ growers overly depend on P. chlamydosporia formulations with good shelf life, low application rates and would possibly prefer targeted delivery of the fungus to crops.
Brief Description of Technology Including Salient Features:
Talc based formulation. ease of application
Benefits/Utility :
plant parasitic nematode management, plant growth promotion
Precaution With The Technology : Technical/field workers need to use safety gears while mass culturing and during application.
Time Of Application Use : April -May Sept-October
How To Use :
I Kg of talc formulation need to be mixed with 100 kg of farmyard manure/ organic manure. The mixture need to be maintained at room temperature for 10-14 days. Avoid exposure to sunlight..
Impact, If Adopted :
Management of plant parasitic nematodes in horticulture crops thereby yield can be increased.
Social Impact :
Ecofriendly and environment safe and pesticide free produce
Technology Spread :
Black pepper, turmeric, ginger and cardamom farmers of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
TargetUsers/Stake holders : Farmers, Biopesticide industry, Agriculture and horticulture Departments, Planters, Agri entrepreneurs.
Technology Contact..
Name : Director
Email :,
Phone Number : 0495-2730294
Fax Number : 0495-2731187
Address : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Marikunnu P.O.,Calicut-673012
Name : Santhosh J Eapen
Email :
Keyword for Technology : Pochonia Chlamydosporia nematode, Spices

Technology Development Details Part-2

Project Details
(Through which technology was developed)
: Institute Project- Biological control of Pests and diseases
Time of Initiation Technology Development : 4-1992
Time of Completion Technology Development : 3-1997
Technology Validated by : Within ICAR
Technology Validation Details..
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name(if within ICAR) : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut
Organization Name(if outside ICAR,Please enter) :
Year of Validation(YYYY) : 3-1995
Year of Release/Adoption(YYYY) : 4-1998
Country : India
Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) : YES
License Agreement(LA) : YES
Through Technology Transfer : YES
Licensing Term : 5
Nature of License : non-exclusive
Duration of License : 5
License Fee : 200000
Training Support : Yes. By Institute
Scalability Requirements..
Commercial Availability : M/s Codagu Agritech, Kushal Nagar, Karnataka
Limiting Factors For Large Scale Commercialization : Nil
Is There Any Other Process/Product/Technology that Is
Critical Or Contributes To The SuccessfulUse Of Technology
: No

Applies To(Regional Differentiation)Inform Part-3

Zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zone.planningzoneName}}
Sub zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zonesub.agroName}}, {{zonesub.Region}}
AgroEcological Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrozone.nbssaerName}}
AgroEcological Sub Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrosubzone.nbssaesrName}}
State Name : All Not Applicable {{state.stateName}}
District Name : All Not Applicable {{dist.distName}}
Farmer Details..
Farmer Land Holding Size : 'Agriculture'
Farmer Type : 'All'
Water Availability Status : Not Applicable
Soil Type/Resource Type..
Soil Order : All Not Applicable {{soilorder.soilorderName}}
Soil Sub Order : All Not Applicable {{soilsuborder.soilsubName}}
Soil great group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreat.soilgreatName}}
Soil great sub group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreatsub.soilgreatsubName}}
Commodity Details..
Commodity : All Not Applicable {{commodity.commodityName}}
Commodity Type : All Not Applicable {{commoditytype.commoditytypeName}}
Commodity Name : All Not Applicable {{commodityname.commodityName}}

Publication Related To Technology Part-4

Technology Commercialized

Name and Address of License : M/s Codagu Agritech, Kushal Nagar, Karnataka
Start date of License : 2018
Termination date of License(valid up to) : 2023
Licensing Fee : 200000
Royalty Rates : 02
Cost Estimation Details :

ICAR Data Use Licence
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Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110 001. INDIA