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Technology Data Repository

KRISHI: Technology Collections Developed by ICAR Institutes

General Part-1

Technology Code:- : 201712932739109
Organization Details...
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name : {{orgOb.orgName}} ,{{orgOb.City}}
Regional Station if any : : All Not Applicable {{regOb.orgName}},{{regOb.City}}
AICRP name if any (AICRP) : All Not Applicable {{aicrpOb.aicrpName}}
Division name if any : Division of Crop Production & PHT
Details of Inventors..
Principal Inventor : Srinivasan V
Principal Inventor Designation: : Principal Scientist
Principal Inventor Email :
Principal Inventor Address : ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode
Co-Inventor Name : R Dinesh
Co-Inventor Email :
Technology Name : Nano Urea (liquid) for reducing the application of conventional Urea and increasing ginger productivity
Technology Details..
Major resource : All Not Applicable {{majorOb.majreName}}
Minor Subject Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorName}}
Minor Subject Sub Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorsubName}}
Technology Group : All Not Applicable {{techgroup.tecg_group_name}}
Technology Related To : All Not Applicable {{techrela.tr_name}}
Complete Details of Technology: :
Ginger is a long duration rhizomatous crops, with a crop period of 6-8 months, removes N up to a level of 250-350 kg/ha from soil based on their yield levels. Supply of N during the critical growth phases (tillering and maximum vegetative phase, rhizome formation and bulking) spread over 3-4 months is required for its proper growth and development. Using foliar N fertilization, we can decrease the amount of total N required and minimize runoff. Nano formulation of Urea is supposed to increase the N availability to crop by more than 80% resulting in higher Nutrient Use efficiency so as to reduce the application of conventional urea.
Brief Description of Technology Including Salient Features:
Foliar application of nano urea @ 0.4 % (two sprays at the active growth period of the ginger crop, 90 & 120 DAP) along with 50% of the RDF N as soil application is recommended for higher N use efficiency and rhizome yield.
Benefits/Utility :
The fresh ginger rhizome yield increased significantly in 0.4% nano urea foliar supplemented treatment with 50% soil applied N. The yield increase was 62% in fresh rhizome yield over RDF (100% soil N) @ 0.4% nano urea supplementation.
Impact, If Adopted :
Nano urea foliar sprays showed significantly higher uptake of N, P and K by the crop as compared to soil N application alone owing to their higher rhizome yield. The Nano urea foliar applied treatments showed lesser positive soil N balance as compared to soil N application alone and it was very low in 0.4% nano urea spray treatment (25.8 kg/ha), indicating very effective utilization of soil applied N.
Social Impact :
Increased farmers income to the tune of 0.8 to 1.4 lakhs per ha.
TargetUsers/Stake holders : Farmers
Technology Contact..
Name : Director
Email :,
Phone Number : 0495-2730294
Fax Number : 0495-2731187
Address : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Marikunnu P.O.,Calicut-673012
Name : Srinivasan V
Email :
Keyword for Technology : Nano urea, ginger, fertilizer, foliar spray

Technology Development Details Part-2

Project Details
(Through which technology was developed)
: Effect of Nano Urea (liquid) in reducing the application of conventional Urea, increasing crop productivity and profitability - contract research project by IFFCO, Cochin
Time of Initiation Technology Development : 7-2021
Time of Completion Technology Development : 7-2023
Technology Validated by : Within ICAR
Technology Validation Details..
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name(if within ICAR) : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut
Organization Name(if outside ICAR,Please enter) :
Year of Validation(YYYY) : 7-2021
Year of Release/Adoption(YYYY) : 7-2023
Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) : YES

Applies To(Regional Differentiation)Inform Part-3

Zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zone.planningzoneName}}
Sub zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zonesub.agroName}}, {{zonesub.Region}}
AgroEcological Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrozone.nbssaerName}}
AgroEcological Sub Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrosubzone.nbssaesrName}}
State Name : All Not Applicable {{state.stateName}}
District Name : All Not Applicable {{dist.distName}}
Farmer Details..
Farmer Land Holding Size : 'All'
Farmer Type : 'All'
Water Availability Status : Not Applicable
Soil Type/Resource Type..
Soil Order : All Not Applicable {{soilorder.soilorderName}}
Soil Sub Order : All Not Applicable {{soilsuborder.soilsubName}}
Soil great group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreat.soilgreatName}}
Soil great sub group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreatsub.soilgreatsubName}}
Commodity Details..
Commodity : All Not Applicable {{commodity.commodityName}}
Commodity Type : All Not Applicable {{commoditytype.commoditytypeName}}
Commodity Name : All Not Applicable {{commodityname.commodityName}}

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Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110 001. INDIA