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Technology Data Repository

KRISHI: Technology Collections Developed by ICAR Institutes

General Part-1

Technology Code:- : 201713285034141
Organization Details...
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name : {{orgOb.orgName}} ,{{orgOb.City}}
AICRP name if any (AICRP) : All Not Applicable {{aicrpOb.aicrpName}}
Details of Inventors..
Principal Inventor : Dr Praveena R
Principal Inventor Designation: : Senior Scientist
Principal Inventor Email :
Principal Inventor Address : Division of Crop Protection, ICAR Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode
Co-Inventor Name : Dr R Dinesh, Dr V Srinivasan, Dr C Sarathambal & Dr Priya George
Co-Inventor Email :,,,
Technology Name : A PGPR strain (Bacillus safensis) for plant growth promotion, soil nutrient solubilization and disease suppression.
Technology Details..
Major resource : All Not Applicable {{majorOb.majreName}}
Minor Subject Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorName}}
Minor Subject Sub Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorsubName}}
Technology Group : All Not Applicable {{techgroup.tecg_group_name}}
Technology Related To : All Not Applicable {{techrela.tr_name}}
Complete Details of Technology: :
Deploying tolerant varieties, use of plant protection chemicals and chemical fertilizers have been the common strategies followed to enhance production and quality of produce of horticultural crops. Application of inorganic fertilizers appears to be the most common strategy to counter P deficiency in soil and approximately 52.3 b tons of P fertilizers are applied every year to maintain optimum P levels in soil–plant systems. However, out of this only about 20.0 % is used by crop plants and 80.0–90.0 % is once again converted to insoluble forms by precipitation and fixation reactions warranting exogenous P application to crops. The harmful effects of application of agrochemicals on environment and non-target organisms has been well documented. With the current focus on less use of chemical inputs, PGPR strains with antagonistic potential, multiple traits related to plant growth promotion and nutrient solubilization are considered as green alternatives for sustainable crop cultivation. An isolate of Bacillus safensis, which produced indole 3-acetic acid, NH3, HCN, siderophore, and cell wall degrading enzymes (cellulase, protease and pectinase) and exhibited remarkable suppression of various fungal pathogens viz., Pythium myriotylum, P. aphanidermatum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, C. capsici, Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum. Evaluation trials evidently demonstrated that the rhizome rot incidence in plants treated with B. safensis decreased by 84.61%, compared to fungicide treatments. The B. safensis strain is an efficient phosphate solubilizing bacterium with higher solubilization efficiency and positive impacts on crop yield and quality.
Brief Description of Technology Including Salient Features:
The PGPR possess multiple traits viz., production of indole-3-acetic acid, ammonia, solubilize inorganic phosphate and zinc, production of siderophores and cell wall-degrading enzymes, which will help to promote growth of plants and also improve the soil conditions. Antagonistic potential and mineral solubilization trait of B. safensis can also help to reduce the use of chemical fungicides and fertilizers which is environmentally safe and cost effective.
Benefits/Utility :
A strain with multiple traits of plant growth promotion, mineral (phosphorus & zinc) solubilization & disease suppression.
Time Of Application Use : Two rounds of soil application of B. safensis suspension @108 CFU mL−1 during the active growth phase of the crop or during May-June and August- September depending on the rainfall conditions is recommended.
How To Use :
Drench the bacterial suspension to plant basin
Social Impact :
The harmful effects of application of agrochemicals on environment and non-target organisms has been well documented. With the current focus on less use of chemical inputs, PGPR strains with antagonistic potential, multiple traits related to plant growth promotion and nutrient solubilization are considered as green alternatives for sustainable crop cultivation.
TargetUsers/Stake holders : Farmers: - Since the strain is an efficient mineral solubilizer with PGP traits, all growers in different parts of the country will be benefitted by this technology. The technology can be commercialised to biofertilizer companies and the commercial production of the product can be started immediately.
Technology Contact..
Name : Director
Email :,
Phone Number : 0495-2730294
Fax Number : 0495-2731187
Address : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Marikunnu P.O.,Calicut-673012
Alternate Contact..
Name : Praveena R
Email :
Phone No : 9447568555
Keyword for Technology : Bacillus safensis, nutrient solubilization, biocontrol, zinc, phosphorus

Technology Development Details Part-2

Project Details
(Through which technology was developed)
: Development and formulation of Plant Beneficial Rhizosphere Microorganisms (PBRMs) for disease antagonism, soil nutrient solubilization and plant growth promotion
Time of Initiation Technology Development : 4-2018
Time of Completion Technology Development : 3-2023
Technology Validated by : Within ICAR
Technology Validation Details..
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name(if within ICAR) : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut
Organization Name(if outside ICAR,Please enter) :
Year of Validation(YYYY) : 4-2022
Year of Release/Adoption(YYYY) : 4-2023
Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) : YES
Memorandum of Agreement(MoA) : YES
License Agreement(LA) : YES
Material Transfer Agreement(MTA) : YES
Through Technology Transfer : YES
Through Contract Manufacturing : YES
Nature of License : non-exclusive

Applies To(Regional Differentiation)Inform Part-3

Zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zone.planningzoneName}}
Sub zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zonesub.agroName}}, {{zonesub.Region}}
AgroEcological Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrozone.nbssaerName}}
AgroEcological Sub Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrosubzone.nbssaesrName}}
State Name : All Not Applicable {{state.stateName}}
District Name : All Not Applicable {{dist.distName}}
Farmer Land Holding Size : 'All'
Farmer Type : 'All'
Soil Type/Resource Type..
Soil Order : All Not Applicable {{soilorder.soilorderName}}
Soil Sub Order : All Not Applicable {{soilsuborder.soilsubName}}
Soil great group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreat.soilgreatName}}
Soil great sub group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreatsub.soilgreatsubName}}
Commodity Details..
Commodity : All Not Applicable {{commodity.commodityName}}
Commodity Type : All Not Applicable {{commoditytype.commoditytypeName}}
Commodity Name : All Not Applicable {{commodityname.commodityName}}

Publication Related To Technology Part-4

Publication Related To Technology Part-4

Research Paper information..

1. Dinesh, R , V Srinivasan, R Praveena, KP Subila, Priya George, Akshaya Das, O Shajina, K Anees, NK Leela and P Haritha (2022 ). Exploring the potential of P solubilizing rhizobacteria for enhanced yield and quality in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). , Industrial Crops and Products , 189., 1., Elsevier.

2. Praveena R, Srekha K, Revathy R, Srinivasan V, Sarathambal C, Priya George, Subila K P and Dinesh R (2022 ). New rhizobacteria strains with effective antimycotic compounds against rhizome rot pathogens and identification of genes encoding antimicrobial peptides , Rhizosphere , 22., 6., Elsevier.

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Indian Council of Agricultural Research
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