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Technology Data Repository

KRISHI: Technology Collections Developed by ICAR Institutes

General Part-1

Technology Code:- : 201713361248108
Organization Details...
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name : {{orgOb.orgName}} ,{{orgOb.City}}
Regional Station if any : : All Not Applicable {{regOb.orgName}},{{regOb.City}}
AICRP name if any (AICRP) : All Not Applicable {{aicrpOb.aicrpName}}
Division name if any : Plant Physiology
Principal Inventor : M. Alagupalamuthirsolai
Principal Inventor Designation: : Senior Scientist
Principal Inventor Email :
Principal Inventor Address : ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore
Co-Inventor Name : S.J. Ankegowda, M. Murugan, Balaji Rajkumar, H.J. Akshitha, R. Sivaranjani
Technology Name : Optimizing the shade level for attaining elevated intrinsic chemical quality and yield in small cardamom (cv. Appangala-1)
Technology Details..
Major resource : All Not Applicable {{majorOb.majreName}}
Minor Subject Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorName}}
Minor Subject Sub Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorsubName}}
Technology Group : All Not Applicable {{techgroup.tecg_group_name}}
Technology Related To : All Not Applicable {{techrela.tr_name}}
Complete Details of Technology: :
Objective: To evaluate the effects of shade on essential oil quality and yield of small cardamom (cv. Appangala-1). Methodology: Small cardamom plants were established under different shade level (75% shade, 50% shade and open sunlight) (variety Appangala-1) by using green shade net at ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Appangala, Karnataka. The standard package of practices was followed in all the treatments as per the recommendations of ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research. On third year the growth, physiology, yield and essential oil quality were observed to see the effect of shade. Summary of the technology: Differences in the availability of solar radiation can influence the yield of small cardamom. In this study essential oil quality parameters were checked with yield characters under various shade level (75 % shade, 50 % shade and open light) and conferred variation in quality through physiological mechanism. The experimental data revealed that the plants under 50 % shade produced more physiologically active tillers and higher capsule setting as well as yield per plant. And also the good proportion of α-terpinyl acetate and 1,8-cineole was observed (this proportion deciding the sweet aroma of capsule) under 50% shade condition.
Brief Description of Technology Including Salient Features:
Differences in the availability of solar radiation can influence the yield of small cardamom. In this study essential oil quality parameters were checked with yield characters under various shade level (75 % shade, 50 % shade and open light) and conferred variation in quality through physiological mechanism. The experimental data revealed that the plants under 50 % shade produced more physiologically active tillers and higher capsule setting as well as yield per plant. And also the good proportion of α-terpinyl acetate and 1,8-cineole was observed (this proportion deciding the sweet aroma of capsule) under 50% shade condition.
Benefits/Utility :
Near 72 % and 11 % increase in capsule yield under 50% shade level compared to open sunlight and 75% shade level, respectively.
Impact, If Adopted :
Growing cardamom crop under 50% shade level maintaining the forest ecosystem production sustainably.
TargetUsers/Stake holders : Planters of small cardamom
Technology Contact..
Name : Director
Email :,
Phone Number : 0495-2730294
Fax Number : 0495-2731187
Address : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Marikunnu P.O.,Calicut-673012
Keyword for Technology : Small cardamom, Shade management, yield, quality, sustainability

Technology Development Details Part-2

Project Details
(Through which technology was developed)
: Phy. XII (813): Physiological interventions for yield improvement in small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) under weather extremities
Time of Initiation Technology Development : 6-2017
Time of Completion Technology Development : 5-2021
Technology Validated by : Within ICAR
Technology Validation Details..
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name(if within ICAR) : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut
Organization Name(if outside ICAR,Please enter) :
Year of Release/Adoption(YYYY) : 7-2023
Year of Notification : 7-2023
Notification Reference Number : ICAR-HS-IISR-Technology-2023-047

Applies To(Regional Differentiation)Inform Part-3

Zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zone.planningzoneName}}
Sub zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zonesub.agroName}}, {{zonesub.Region}}
AgroEcological Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrozone.nbssaerName}}
AgroEcological Sub Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrosubzone.nbssaesrName}}
State Name : All Not Applicable {{state.stateName}}
District Name : All Not Applicable {{dist.distName}}
Soil Type/Resource Type..
Soil Order : All Not Applicable {{soilorder.soilorderName}}
Soil Sub Order : All Not Applicable {{soilsuborder.soilsubName}}
Soil great group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreat.soilgreatName}}
Soil great sub group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreatsub.soilgreatsubName}}
Commodity Details..
Commodity : All Not Applicable {{commodity.commodityName}}
Commodity Type : All Not Applicable {{commoditytype.commoditytypeName}}
Commodity Name : All Not Applicable {{commodityname.commodityName}}

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Indian Council of Agricultural Research
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