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Technology Data Repository

KRISHI: Technology Collections Developed by ICAR Institutes

General Part-1

Technology Code:- : 201713957399881
Organization Details...
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name : {{orgOb.orgName}} ,{{orgOb.City}}
Regional Station if any : : All Not Applicable {{regOb.orgName}},{{regOb.City}}
AICRP name if any (AICRP) : All Not Applicable {{aicrpOb.aicrpName}}
Principal Inventor : Dr. S. J. Ankegowda
Principal Inventor Designation: : Principal Scientist
Principal Inventor Email :
Co-Inventor Name : Dr. K. S. Krishnamurthy,Dr. Alagupalamuthirsolai, M.,Dr. Sivaranjani, R.,Dr. Leela, N. K.,Dr. Akshitha, H. J.,Dr. Shivakumar, M. S.,Dr. Mohammed Faisal Peeran,Dr. Balaji Rajkumar, M.,Dr. Honnappa Asangi,Dr. Sheeja, T. E.
Co-Inventor Email :,,,,,,,,,
Technology Name : Cardamom variety - IISR Kaveri
Technology Details..
Major resource : All Not Applicable {{majorOb.majreName}}
Minor Subject Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorName}}
Minor Subject Sub Classification : All Not Applicable {{minorOb.minorsubName}}
Technology Group : All Not Applicable {{techgroup.tecg_group_name}}
Technology Related To : All Not Applicable {{techrela.tr_name}}
Complete Details of Technology: :
IISR Kaveri is variety of cardamom developed through clonal selection. This variety was evaluated at ICAR-IISR RS, Appangala and later evaluated under AICRP on Spices. Breeding objective was identification of cardamom variety with bold capsules and tolerance to moisture stress. It is a compact flowering variety with 70% of the capsules are > 8 mm and is relatively tolerant to moisture stress. This variety is suited for cultivation in Western Ghats region at an altitude of 600-1000 m above MSL with filtered shade and annual rainfall of about 1500-3500 mm. Suitable for cardamom growing regions of Karnataka. This variety has compact flowering habit hence the harvesting can be completed in 4-5 rounds. Present day market prefers bold capsules and this variety has 70 % of the capsules > 8 mm. So this variety will be well accepted by the farmers as well as consumers. As it is cross pollinated crop, propagation has to be taken up by using suckers
Brief Description of Technology Including Salient Features:
•Compact flowering cardamom genotype with 70 % of the capsules are > 8 mm •Relatively tolerant to moisture stress •Average yield of 482 kg dry capsules/ha under irrigated conditions and 308 kg dry capsules/ha under moisture stress conditions •High essential oil 9.08 % (irrigated conditions), 9.51 % (moisture stress conditions) content
Benefits/Utility :
Compact flowering Relative tolerance to moisture stress Bold capsules (70 % of the capsules >8 mm)
TargetUsers/Stake holders : Farmers
Technology Contact..
Name : Director
Email :,
Phone Number : 0495-2730294
Fax Number : 0495-2731187
Address : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Marikunnu P.O.,Calicut-673012
Keyword for Technology : Moisture stress, bold capsules, cardamom, compact flowering

Technology Development Details Part-2

Project Details
(Through which technology was developed)
: Phy. X (813): Evaluation of black pepper and cardamom elite lines for yield and quality under moisture stress
Time of Initiation Technology Development : 6-2012
Time of Completion Technology Development : 12-2022
Technology Validated by : Within ICAR
Technology Validation Details..
Subject Matter Division : {{smdOb.smdName}}
Organization Name(if within ICAR) : ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut
Organization Name(if outside ICAR,Please enter) :
Year of Release/Adoption(YYYY) : 3-2024

Applies To(Regional Differentiation)Inform Part-3

Zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zone.planningzoneName}}
Sub zone(As per the planning commission) : All Not Applicable {{zonesub.agroName}}, {{zonesub.Region}}
AgroEcological Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrozone.nbssaerName}}
AgroEcological Sub Zone(NBSS & LUP) : All Not Applicable {{agrosubzone.nbssaesrName}}
State Name : All Not Applicable {{state.stateName}}
District Name : All Not Applicable {{dist.distName}}
All Not Applicable {{dist.distName}}
All Not Applicable {{dist.distName}}
Soil Type/Resource Type..
Soil Order : All Not Applicable {{soilorder.soilorderName}}
Soil Sub Order : All Not Applicable {{soilsuborder.soilsubName}}
Soil great group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreat.soilgreatName}}
Soil great sub group : All Not Applicable {{soilgreatsub.soilgreatsubName}}
Commodity Details..
Commodity : All Not Applicable {{commodity.commodityName}}
Commodity Type : All Not Applicable {{commoditytype.commoditytypeName}}
Commodity Name : All Not Applicable {{commodityname.commodityName}}

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