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High Level Monitoring Committee Review meeting of National Innovation in Climate Resilient Agriculture Project




           Tenth High level monitoring committee (HLMC) meeting of National Innovation in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) was held at NASC, New Delhi on 4th April 2018 . The objective of the meeting was to review the Action Taken Report on the recommendations of the 9th HLMC and to review the progress and achievements of the project from August 2016 to March 2018.
Dr.Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) & Director General (ICAR) chaired the meeting and suggested to test and validate the technologies and mobile applications developed by NICRA so that they are made available to the stake-holders. He also released book titled ‘Climate Resilient Innovation from NICRA” in the meeting.
Shri Chhabilendra Roul, Special Secretary (DARE) & Secretary (ICAR) appreciated efforts made under NICRA towards enhancing the resilience of Indian agriculture to climatic variability and climate change. He also suggested, farmers who adopted climate resilient technologies should be incentivized.
Dr K Alugusundaram, DDG (NRM & AE), Dr AK Singh, DDG (Hort Sciences & Crop Sciences), ADGs, representatives from various Ministries like Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Environment and Forest, DST, DBT and Ministry of Water Resources also participated in the meeting.
Based on the discussions held several actionable points emerged and important observations were made.  The green house gas emission inventory developed by the project will be useful in determining country specific emission coefficients for agriculture sector.    It was decided to conduct awareness creation programme on climate resilient agricultural practices for farmers and other stake-holders.  Climate resilient technologies developed by the 41 partner institutes of ICAR were reviewed and suggestions for refining and upscaling of these technologies were given.  The climate resilient technologies developed by NICRA are being successfully demonstrated in 151 climatically vulnerable districts of India.   This concept has been successfully replicated by the State Governments of Maharashtra and Odisha.  Many other State Governments are coming forward to replicate NICRA village model.
Taking into consideration the latest climate change projections by IPCC, a new district level Vulnerability atlas is being prepared by ICAR- Central Research Institute for Drylands Agriculture, Hyderabad. It was also decided to conduct a one day workshop involving ICAR scientists, experts from line ministries and other stake-holders to discuss on the preparation of vulnerability atlas.



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