Soil erosionl

Review of KVKs under NICRA Project at ATARI, Patna by Zonal Monitoring Committee




           Zonal Monitoring Committee (ZMC) constituting   Dr. A K Mehta, Ex-ADG, ICAR as chairman; Dr. Anjani Kumar, Director, Agricultural Technology Application and Research Institute (ATARI); Dr. R.K.Sohane, Director, Extension, BAU; Dr. Sant Kumar Singh, Head & Principal Scientist, ICAR-RCER, Patna; Dr DBV Ramana and Dr SK Bal from CRIDA, Hyderabad as members visited NICRA KVK villages Kukurha,   Sakrorha and Harigoan of  KVK Buxar, Jehanabad and Aurangabad districts to monitor and review the progress in technology demonstration component implemented by NICRA KVKs from 13-15th December, 2017. The interventions like farm ponds, renovated retention wall cum drainage, raised bed planting, bund height raising around rice field,  zero till wheat sowing, cultivation of berseem and oats as rabi fodder etc., were found to be building resilience to the agri and allied production systems in NICRA village “Kukurha”.  Replacement of paddy with pulses and lentil, zero till wheat sowing, rain water harvesting through community and farm ponds, practice of feeding chopped bhoosa mixing with berseem and mustard for milch animals, proper maintenance of custom hiring centre etc., showed sustenance in NICRA village “Sakrorha”.  The interventions like farm pond, community ponds, desilting of channel,  sprinkler irrigation, zero till wheat sowing, growing of short duration lentil and pulses, cultivation of green fodder etc were found boosting substantially the productivity of agriculture and livestock in NICRA village “Harigoan”.





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