Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
5-Oct-2018 | Challenges and opportunities for improved productivity of litchi | Nath, V.; Pandey, S.D.; Pongener, A.; Srivastava, K.; Marboh, E.S. |
1-Dec-2009 | Combining ability of quantitative characters in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) | Lal, H.; Singh, A.P.; Rai, M.; Bhardwaj, D.R.; Rai, N.; Nath, V. |
19-Apr-2021 | Effect of Mode of Pollination on Fruit Set and Fruit Characteristics in Litchi | Lal, Narayan; Gupta, A.K.; Marboh, E.S.; Kumar, A.; Nath, V. |
19-Jan-2021 | Effect of Pollen Grain and Pollination Period on Fruit Set in Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) | Lal, N.; Sahu, N.; Marboh, E.S.; Gupta, A.K.; Kumar, A.; Nath, V. |
23-Mar-2019 | Effect of Pollen Grain Sources on Fruit Set and Retention in ‘Shahi’ Litchi | Lal, N.; Gupta, A.K.; Kumar, A.; Nath, V. |
30-May-2019 | Effect of Pollen Grain Sources on Success of hybrids in ‘Bedana’ Litchi | Lal, N.; Gupta, A.K.; Marboh, E.S.; Kumar, A.; Nath, V. |
25-May-2020 | Effect of soaking and placement of seed on germination and seedling emergence in litchi | Lal, N.; Marboh, E.S.; Gupta, A.K.; Kumar, A.; Nath, V. |
5-Oct-2018 | Effect of time of harvest and packaging on quality and shelf life of litchi fruit | Purbey, S.K.; Pongener, A.; Kumar, V.; Nath, V. |
1-Nov-2019 | Entrepreneurship in Litchi Beverages: A Beginner`s Guide to Small Scale Processing of Litchi Beverages | Pongener, A.; Purbey, S.K.; Patel, R.K.; Kumar, V.; Kumar, A.; Nath, V. |
1-Jan-2017 | Fruit cracking in litchi (Litchi chinensis): An overview | Marboh, E.S.; Singh, S.K.; Pandey, S.; Nath, V.; Gupta, A.K.; Pongener, A. |
6-Jun-2017 | Gyan Manthan Vol. 6 (Souvenir cum Abstract) of National Conference on Challenges and Options in litchi Production and Utilization | Nath, V.; Pandey, S.D.; Kumar, A.; Patel, R.K.; Srivastava, K.; Kumar. G.; Purbey, S.K. |
1-Dec-2007 | Heterosis and inbreeding depression in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp.) | Hira Lal; Singh, A.P.; Verma, A.,; Rai, M.; Singh, S.N.; Nath, V.; Ram, D. |
1-Mar-2009 | Hierarchical Clustering and charactassociation studies in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp.] | Nath, V.; Lal, H.; Rai, M.; Rai, N.; Ram, D. |
1-Jun-2017 | Integrated approach of litchi based multi-enterprises model with pond for production and income generation | Patel, R.K.; Pandey, S.D.; Srivastava, K.; Kumar, A.; Purbey, S.K.; Kumar, G.; Nath, V. |
30-Jun-2021 | Litchi processing – A promising value addition | Pongener, A.; Purbey, S.K.; Kumar, V.; Nath, V.; Pandey, S.D.; Kumar, A |
30-Nov-2019 | Precocious flowering and dwarf NRCL-29-A new genetic stock of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) | Lal, N.; Singh, A.; Gupta, A.K.; Marboh, E.S.; Kumar, A.; Nath, V. |
27-Aug-2020 | Quantitative Analysis of Relationships Between Panicle Size and Fruit Traits in Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) | Lal, N.; Kumar, A.; Nath, V. |
5-Oct-2018 | Response of growth regulators on flower induction, fruit yield and quality of litchi 'Shahi' | Kumar, A.; Pandey, S.D.; Purbey, S.K.; Patel, R.K.; Pongener, A.; Nath, V. |
25-Dec-2019 | Variation in leaf phenol content during flowering in litchi (Litchi chinesis Sonn.) | Lal, N.; Marboh, E.S.; Gupta, A.K.; Kumar, A.; Anal, A.K.D.; Nath, V. |
1-Dec-2020 | मधुमक्खी पालन की उत्तम क्रियाएँ | Marboh, E.S; Gupta, A.K.; Singh, A.K.; Kumar, A.; Nath, V. |