Showing results 1 to 20 of 60
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Published/ Complete Date | Title | Author(s)/ PI/CoPI |
1-Oct-2020 | Abundance, characteristics and seasonal variation of microplastics in Indian white shrimps (Fenneropenaeus indicus) from coastal waters off Cochin, Kerala, India | Daniel, D. B.; Ashraf, P.M.; Thomas, S.N. |
31-Aug-2021 | Advances in passive fishing methods | Thomas, S.N. |
13-Nov-2019 | Assessment of fishing-related plastic debris along the beaches in Kerala Coast, India | Daniel, D.B.; Thomas, S.N.; Thomson, K.T. |
Jan-2011 | Bio-accumulation of trace metals in biofilms formed on aluminium and steel in aquatic environment, | Ashraf, P. M.; Thomas, S.N. |
20-Nov-2020 | Biofouling inhibition for aquaculture cage nets through a coating nano zinc and silicon oxides incorporated with polyaniline | Manjulekshmi, N.; Ashraf, P. M.; Keerthana, A. K.; Thomas, S.N.; Leela Edwin |
24-Aug-2017 | Biofouling resistant polyethylene cage aquaculture nettings: A new approach using polyaniline and nano copper oxide | Ashraf, P.M.; Sasikala, K.G.; Thomas, S.N.; Leela Edwin |
21-Nov-2017 | Bycatch and discards in gillnets operated along Tharuvaikulam fishing village, south east coast of Tamil Nadu | Harsha, K.; Sundaramoorthy, B.; Thomas, S.N.; Neethiselvan, N.; Athithan, S. |
21-Nov-2017 | Bycatch and discards in stake nets off Kumbalam, Cochin backwaters, India | Jisha, H.; Thomas, S.N.; Thomson, K.T. |
Jan-2020 | Catch Efficiency of Cast Nets for Snow Trout Fishing in Dal Lake, Kashmir | Mudassir Azhar; Leela Edwin; Kumar, B. M.; Thomas, S.N.; Remesan, M.P. |
1-Jan-1991 | Coastal gill nets of Kerala- changes in three decades | Vijayan, V.; Varghese, M.D.; Edwin, L.; Thomas, S.N.; George, V.C. |
21-Nov-2017 | Comparative assessment of fishing related debris in selected high and low fishing intensity beaches of Kerala coast | Daniel, D.B.; Thomas, S.N.; Thomson, K.T. |
2020 | Comparative fishing performances of straight shank J-hook vs Kirby bend hook in freshwaters of Chhattisgarh. | Devendra Sahu; Thomas, S.N.; Renjith, R. K.; Sanjula Swarnkar; Keer, N. R.; Atiya Niyazi; Anchal Chandravanshi; Kuldeep Jaiswal |
Jul-2010 | Corrosion resistance of fishing hooks with different surface coatings | Gipson Edappazham; Thomas, S.N.; Ashraf, P. M. |
14-Nov-2018 | Depredation in gillnets operated along the south-west coast of India | Chinnadurai, S.; Paras Nath Jha; Renjith, R. K.; Remesan, M.P.; Thomas, S.N.; Baiju, M.V. |
Jan-2009 | Design and General Characteristics of Gill Nets of Assam | Pravin, P.; Thomas, S.N.; Meenakumari, B.; Baiju, M. V.; Baruah, D.; Barman, J.; Kakati, B.; Daimari, P.; Mumthaz, V. R. |
Jan-2006 | Design and general characteristics of marine gill nets of Kerala | Thomas, S.N.; Hridayanathan, C. |
17-Mar-2015 | Development of graphene–nanometre-sized cerium oxide-incorporated aluminium and its electrochemical evaluation | Ashraf, P.M.; Thomas, S.N.; Leela Edwin |
Feb-2016 | Development of graphene–nanometre-sized cerium oxide-incorporated aluminium and its electrochemical evaluation | Ashraf, P.M.; Thomas, S.N.; Edwin, L. |
Apr-2020 | Development of Low Drag Trawls for Energy Efficient Fishing | Remesan, M.P.; Sayana, K. A.; Madhu, V.R.; Pravin, P.; Thomas, S.N.; Leela Edwin |
5-Jan-2018 | Diversified fishing system – A way forward to fish-preneurship | Thomas, S.N.; Harsha, K. |