
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Maize seed aid and seed systems development: Opportunities for synergies in Uganda
  • » Identifying value chain trade-offs from fruit and vegetable aggregation services in Bangladesh using a system dynamics approach
  • » Identification of diagnostic KASP-SNP markers for routine breeding activities in yam (Dioscorea spp.)
  • » Antioxidant potential profile of portuguese wheat (Bread and durum) germplasm
  • » Use of remote sensing for linkage mapping and genomic prediction for common rust resistance in maize
  • » A Bayesian optimization R package for multitrait parental selection
  • » Nitrogen use efficiency and genotype-by-environment interaction in durum wheat genotypes under varying nitrogen supply
  • » Expanding the WOFOST crop model to explore options for sustainable nitrogen management: A study for winter wheat in the Netherlands
  • » Do provisioning ecosystem services change along gradients of increasing agricultural production?
  • » Empowering breeding resources dynamic strategies for effective capacity building
  • » Biofortification of tropical maize synthetics using markers
  • » Vulnerability mapping and advisory for prioritization of investment in maize and sorghum growing areas of AGRA target countries: synthesis
  • » Supporting a systems approach to scaling for all; insights from using the Scaling Scan tool
  • » Agricultura Sustentable: Opciones para la implementación de prácticas sustentables
  • » Workshop Report and Synthesis. Plausible impact pathways for dryland crops: reaching the hard-to-reach
  • » Accelerated data-driven responses to El- Niño in Southern Africa
  • » Memoria del simposio internacional de plataformas de investigación 2023: “Fortaleciendo la Agricultura ante el Cambio Climático”
  • » The genetics of Ug99 stem rust resistance in spring wheat variety ‘Linkert‘
  • » Identification of synthetic wheat lines with broadly effective stripe rust resistance
  • » Quantitative trait loci and genomic prediction for grain sugar and mineral concentrations of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]
  • » Data augmentation enhances plant-genomic-enabled predictions
  • » Harnessing cooler nights in the central zone of India to achieve speed breeding under field conditions
  • » The wheat sucrose synthase gene TaSus1 is a determinant of grain number per spike
  • » Genotype × environment interaction and grain yield stability of quality protein maize hybrids under stress and non-stress environments
  • » Evolución de Puccinia triticina Eriksson, causante de roya de la hoja del trigo cristalino en México
8576 - 8600 of 8648 Items    << < 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 > >>