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Introduction and concept of Agro Eco Tourism (AET) models.

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Title Introduction and concept of Agro Eco Tourism (AET) models.
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Creator N.P. Singh, S.R. Maneesha, R.S. Rajkumar and M. Thangam
Subject Agro Eco tourism
Description Not Available
India is a country with diverse agroclimatic conditions covering tropical, subtropical and temperate features. The landscape of India is bestowed with scenic beauty of massive snow capped mountains in Kashmir, mysterious dense forests in North eastern states, endless sandy deserts in Rajasthan, thrilling sandy beaches in the coastal regions and spectacular islands. This makes India incredible and attracts millions of tourists to the country. According to World Travel & Tourism Council, tourism generated 8.31 lakh crores (US$120 billion) or 6.3% of the nation's GDP in 2015 and supported 37.315 million jobs, 8.7% of its total employment in India.
Tourists travel to any destination for recreation, leisure, or business. Based on the purpose of the visit, the industry has been divided into different types. Wild life tourism is for those who want to want to experience the forests and wildlife diversity. Medical tourism or health tourism spots ensure rejuvenation of the health and stamina of visitors. Cultural and heritage tourism is for those who are interested to know more about new culture and arts. Back water tourism and beach tourism offers enjoyment in respective places. Adventure tourism can be anywhere there is a scope for adventurous sports, trekking, elephant safari, mountaineering etc.
Sustainable tourism was considered as an environment-friendly economic activity (Gray, 2003). The potential of ecotourism as a strategy for sustainable development was recognized during the Earth Summit in 1992 (Kumari et al., 2010). The primary function of the ecotourism is the protection of the natural and cultural resources as well as income generation, education, local participation and the capacity building (Ross & Wall 1999). As per the fundamental principles, the ecotourism should be: (i) nature-friendly, (ii) ecologically sustainable, (iii) environmentally educative and (iv) economically beneficial to the local community. It should also offer satisfaction to the tourists (Newsome et al. 2002; Page & Dowling 2002).
Agro Ecotourism is an amalgamation of agriculture and tourism. The greenery of the fields, fruitfulness of orchards, landscaping of the flower gardens are eye soothing scenes for everyone. The spice gardens, multistoried homestead farming of west coast regions, back waters of Kerala, Hill top agriculture of north eastern region, the orchards and gardens at Kashmir are best examples. Agro ecotourism is a most flourished industry in the state of Goa, since the state has a smooth flow of foreign and domestic tourist year round and plantation based homestead farming.
Agro ecotourism is a strategic economic activity that could engage rural communities in a mix of activities that provide food related products and leisure within the productive agriculture properties. Agro Eco Tourism is a system which will transform the farm into an agribusiness outlet by merging tourism, entertainment and hospitality factors in it.
Features of Agro ecotourism
Agro ecotourism has many unique features, which makes it different from other types of tourism.
Farm/ Agricultural land
Agro ecotourism is exclusively based on agriculture land, mostly fruit or plantation crop land. The cultivation may be mono cropping, mixed cropping, multistory cropping or high density plantation.
Farm house
A farm house is an essential component of the agro ecotourism, where the tourists can sit and relax or cook food for them. Agriculture implements, feeds and manures can be stored at this place.
The primary producer or the farmer will directly interact with the visitors and explain the farm activities to the tourists. This will enhance the curiosity of the visitors about the agriculture. The farmer is the only one who can well explain and sprout the emotional attachment towards the agriculture and the nature in the minds of the visitors.

Visitors include foreigners, domestic tourists, students and environmentalists etc. They are the most important components of the agro ecotourism.
Plant components
Fruit crops and plantation and spice crops, forest trees and palms are the skeletal components of an agro ecotourism. The inter spaces of these tress can effectively be utilized for incorporating the shade loving vegetables, tuber crops like elephant foot yam, spice crops like ginger and turmeric. Small fruit crops like pineapple, papaya and banana can be incorporated in the field. Palms can be trailed with black pepper. Exotic fruit trees and underutilized fruit crops can be included in the system.
Animal components
Animal components include desi cows, buffalos, goats, rabbits and pet animals.
Bird components
Poultry including chicken, ducks, turkeys, Emu, quail and ornamental bird species are important components of an AET.
Fisheries components
Fish components include edible fresh water fishes and ornamental fishes can be included in the agro eco tourism models.
Farming/ farm activities
Visitors can participate in the farming and allied activities like feeding, manure application, watering, planting, intercultural operations and harvesting.
Nature walk/ Eco walk
Nature walk or eco walk through the field will help the visitors to understand the nature from more close.

Adventurous activities
Along with the farm activities, adventurous and fun activities can also be included in the agro ecotourism units like trekking, rock climbing and elephant ride.
Food and processed products
Harvested produces are consumed directly in the field itself or it can be cooked in the farm house in presence of the visitors.
Sales of the farm produce
Visitors can buy unique organic products or handy crafts from the farm and take them as a memory of their visit. Herbal produces and natural medicines, honey and spices are often carried by the visitors to their home.
Association with nature and culture
It should have a close association with the other type of tourism like nature tourism and culture or heritage tourism. Intensive use of local and traditional ideas will be there in AET units. There should be mix of events like food festivals, trade fares, herbal and health store, farmer market, craft stores, educational and picnic spots.
Types of AET models
AET models can be classified based on the major agriculture activities done in the unit.
1. Terrestrial agro ecotourism: These types of AET units are based on the farming and farm related activities.
2. Aquatic agro eco tourism: In aquatic agro ecotourism, the activities are mainly related to fishing and other related activities.
Identification of potential agro ecotourism spots
All agricultural fields or lands can not be converted as an agro ecotourism unit. For this, the most important thing is the analysis of the potential tourist spots of nearby places, uniqueness of the plot etc. Diversity of crop plants, clean processing units, quality of the produces, hospitality matters for a successful AET unit.
Conversion of the farm to an eco tourism spot
Once the analysis of the potentialities your farm analyzed, you can better convert it into an agro ecotourism units. Connectivity of your farm with the major cities or town, transportation facilities, good accommodation facilities, homely food is highly essential. A person with good communication and language skills or farmer himself can explain the activities to the visitors.
AET and sustainability
AET can be effectively used for the conservation of local flora and fauna.AET models can boost the organic agriculture, the confidence in organic products through better understanding can be enhanced by these AET units. Diversity in farm produces and year round income generation will ensure the economic security to the farmers.
Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) analysis of AETs
Agro Ecotourism units can ensure food security, nutritional security and economic security of the farmers by years round production, diversified products and their processing. Conservation of indigenous plants, animals and underutilized plants, protection of indigenous technology knowledge and heritage is an important benefit of the AETs. Rural employment generation is strength of AETs. Seasonal variation will affect the flow of tourists. Low productivity of agriculture is another weakness. Opportunities of AET include constant income without much investment, incorporation of other adventures, Yoga and other heritage tourism components can increase the profitability. Higher maintenance charges, lack of labours for cultural operations are the current threats of every AET.
Gray, N. 2003. Unpacking the baggage of ecotourism: nature, science and local participation. Great Lakes Geographer. 9: 113-123.
Kumari,S., M.D. Behera and H. R. Tewari. .2010. Identification of potential ecotourism sites in West District, Sikkim using geospatial tools. Tropical Ecology 51(1): 75-85.
Newsome, D., S.A. Moore and R.K. Dowling. 2002. Natural Area Tourism: Ecology, Impacts
and Management. Channelview Publications, Sydney.
Page, S.J. and R.K. Dowling. 2002. Themes in Tourism. Pearson Education Limited, Harlow.

Ross, S. & G. Wall. 1999. Evaluating eco-tourism: the case of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Tourism.
Not Available
Date 2018-11-12T05:17:17Z
Type Book chapter
Identifier N.P. Singh, S.R. Maneesha, R.S. Rajkumar and M. Thangam. 2016. Introduction and concept of Agro Eco Tourism (AET) models. In training manual of Short course on Agro eco tourism: An emerging enterprise for agricultural diversification. 31st October to 9th November, 2016.p:1-4.
Not Available
Language English
Relation Not Available;
Publisher ICAR-CCARI