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Indian Seafood exports: Issues of instability, commodity concentration and geographical spread.

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Title Indian Seafood exports: Issues of instability, commodity concentration and geographical spread.
Not Available
Creator C.Sarada
Subject fish production
Internal and External Indebtedness
Description Not Available
Fluctuations in fish production from capture and culture, varlalions 111
lnternat~onal prices. adjustments in exchange rates and finally - the var~ablc values 01'
export earnings are grlm concerns for developing countries of South Asia and Soul11
East Asia. Most of the developing countries (including India) obtain thu~r niaj~,r
share of export earnlngs from selected few items or commodities and the trade is
concentrated with a couple of nations. These developing coutitrics as commodity
producers and exporlers have hardly any instruments at their disposal to licdge
ag,ainst the adverse effects of instabiltty of export earntngs. Managing commodity
prlcu risk and stabilising export earnings are still important policy issues for virtually
all low Income and commodity exporting countrlcs (Pal. 1992).
Imperative effects of variability of export earnings at the macroeconomic level
are, disruptions in the investment planning process, misallocation ol'rcsou~ccs and
disturbances of the internal balance of public finances, impacts on tlic ratc of
domestic savings, increastng internal and external indebtedness and problen~s ill tl~c
balance of payments, which might result in unstable earnings and discourage fanners
liom producing for export and can lead to a "further" fall in export earnlngr and gross
National Product (GNP). The export oriented producers who suffer from eartilng
shortfall, will also cut back their consumption, which affects the puhlic finances I'hc
perslstencc of abnormally depressed prices globally dur~ng the 1980s has also
resulted in a sharp reduction in the living standards of developing coutitries 'l'hu> the
export-earning instability has to be considered as a development probleni becaurc it
dampens the growth rate, particularly as a result of its negative effect on product~vity
of capital. Considering the strengths of Indian fisheries sector and steady
development in the past four decades, the causes of instabilities in production and cxpon of sealhod assume immense Importance in the ccanamic scenarto of India and
hence the present stud> was conducted wlth the follou~ng ohjectivcs: (1) 7'0 compute
concelllralion measures such as commodity concentrdtlon and geographic concent ration coefficients (br) lndian seafood exports. (2) lo estimate the ~nstability indices
for seafood exports from India and (3) '1 o determine the s~gnifica~~t factors that aflbct
the instability in xafood exports from lndla
Tlic paper is arranged as fbllows Sectlo11 I1 d~scusses the structure and pattern of
firlieries dcvelop~nent In lndia durlng the past four decndes The tli~rd rectlon deal,
\*1t11 data and transformation prc~cedl~rcs Sect~on IV descrthcs the theoretical and
computational framework. Sectlon V prcscnts the resullr and thc final sectloll gives a
summary of findings and d~scusses pollcy alternatives
Not Available
Date 2023-09-25T10:18:06Z
Type Journal
Identifier Not Available
Not Available
Language English
Relation Not Available;
Publisher Not Available