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SMD Name Organization Type Organization Name State Name District Name
Longitude Latitude Address Email Web address
City Phone No Fax No Pin Code Social media Institute Google Play Store

Organization Details
Total Record: {{searchData.Organization.length}}
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# Subject Matter Division Organization Type Organization Name State District Longitude(D-M-S) Longitude(Decimal) Latitude(D-M-S) Latitude(Decimal) Address Email Web Address City Phone No Fax Pincode Youtube Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Institute Google Play Store
{{$index+1}} {{smd.smdName}} {{instType.orgtypeName}} {{data.orgName}} {{state.stateName}} {{dist.distName}} {{data.longitude}} {{data.longitude2}} {{data.latitude}} {{data.latitude2}} {{data.address}} {{data.email}} {{data.webAddress}} {{data.city}} {{data.phoneNo}} {{data.fax}} {{data.pinCode}} {{data.youtube}} {{data.facebook}} {{data.twitter}} {{data.instagram}} {{data.linkedin}} {{data.mobileurl}}
Regional Station Details
Total Record: {{searchData.Regional.length}}
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# Subject Matter Division Organization Type Regional Station Name State District Longitude(D-M-S) Longitude(Decimal) Latitude(D-M-S) Latitude(Decimal) Address Email Web Address City Phone No Fax Pincode Youtube Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Institute Google Play Store
{{$index+1}} {{smd.smdName}} {{instType.orgtypeName}} {{data.orgName}} {{state.stateName}} {{dist.distName}} {{data.longitude}} {{data.longitude2}} {{data.latitude}} {{data.latitude2}} {{data.Address}} {{data.Email}} {{data.webAddress}} {{data.City}} {{data.phoneNo}} {{data.Fax}} {{data.pinCode}} {{data.youtube}} {{data.facebook}} {{data.twitter}} {{data.instagram}} {{data.linkedin}} {{data.mobileurl}}

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