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  • » Diversity in Tanzanian pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] landraces and their...
    Manyasa, E O; Silim, S N; Githiri, S M; Christiansen, J L
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  • » Ethnobotanical knowledge and crop diversity in swidden fields: a study in a native...
    Reyes-Garcia, V; Vadez, V; Marti, N; Huanca, T; Leonard, W R; Tanner, S
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  • » Biophysical and biochemical basis of host plant resistance to pod borer (Helicoverpa...
    Girija, .; Sallmath, P M; Patll, S A; Gowda, C L L; Sharma, H C
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  • » Genetic analysis of pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) resistance and grain yield in desi...
    Sreelatha, E; Gowda, C L L; Gour, T B; Sharma, H C; Ramesh, S; Upadhyaya, H D
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  • » Emergence and spread of Tobacco streak virus menace in India and control strategies
    Kumar, P L; Rao, R D V J P; Reddy, A S; Madhavi, K J; Anitha, K; Waliyar, F
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  • » Interaction of Helicoverpa armigera with putative transgenic plants of pigeonpea
    Gopalaswamy, S V S; Sharma, H C; Subbaratnam, G V; Kumar, C S; Sharma, K K
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  • » Vegetative compatibility, host range and pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae isolates...
    Sanei, S J; Waliyar, F; Razavi, S I; Okhovvat, S M
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  • » Relative toxicity of neem to natural enemies associated with the chickpea ecosystem: a...
    Ranga Rao, G V; Visalakshmi, V; Suganthy, M; Reddy, P V; Reddy, Y V R; Rao, V R
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  • » Incorporation of lyophilized leaves and pods into artificial diets to assess the...
    Narayanamma, V L; Sharma, H C; Gowda, C L L; Sriramulu, M
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  • » Direct and residual phosphorus effects on grain yield-phosphorus uptake relationships...
    Sahrawat, K L
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  • » Capacity development for smallholder irrigation in Kenya
    Mati, B M
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  • » Taking soil science to farmers' doorsteps through community watershed management
    Wani, S P
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  • » Water scarcity effects on equitable water distribution and land use in a major...
    Gaur, A; Biggs, T W; Gumma, M K; Pardhasaradhi, G; Turral, H
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  • » Screening of pigeonpea genotypes against Maruca vitrata (Geyer)
    Sunitha, V; Lakshmi, K V; Ranga Rao, G V
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  • » Laboratory evaluation of certain insecticides against pigeonpea pod borer, Maruca...
    Sunitha, V; Lakshmi, K V; Ranga Rao, G V
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  • » Fertility restoration in cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterile lines derived from 3 wild...
    Dalvi, V A; Saxena, K B; Madrap, I A
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  • » Cytogenetic studies in A4 cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterility system of pigeonpea
    Dalvi, V A; Saxena, K B; Madrap, I A; Ravikoti, V K
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  • » Sulfur, boron, and zinc fertilization effects on grain and straw quality of maize and...
    Sahrawat, K L; Rego, T J; Wani, S P; Pardhasaradhi, G
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  • » Assessment of the suitability of Tinopal as an enhancing adjuvant in formulations of...
    Reddy, N P; Khan, P A A; Devi, K U; Victor, J S; Sharma, H C
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  • » Linking transcript profiles to metabolites and metabolic pathways: a systems biology...
    Kiambi, D K; Fortin, M; Stromvick, M
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  • » Adaptation and quality traits of a germplasm-derived commercial seed parent of pearl...
    Rai, K N; Hash, C T; Singh, A K; Velu, G
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  • » Leaf petiole and stem blight disease of sweet potato caused by Alternaria bataticola in...
    Osiru, M O; Adipala, E; Olanya, O M; Kelly, P; Lemaga, B; Kapinga, R
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  • » Improving drought-avoidance root traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) - current...
    Gaur, P M; Krishnamurthy, L; Kashiwagi, J
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  • » Genotype-environment interaction in chickpea (C. arietinum L.) for adaptation to humid...
    Kashiwagi, J; Krishnamurthy, L; Gaur, P M; Umezaki, T; Zheng, S H; Hiraoka, Y; Terauchi, T; Iwama, K
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  • » Long-term management of Striga hermonthica: strategy evaluation with a spatio-temporal...
    Mourik, T A Van; Bianch, F J J A; Werf, W Van der; Stomph, T J
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