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  • » ITTO project PD 12/97 Rev.1 (F): forest, science and sustainability: the Bulungan model...
    Center for International Forestry Research
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  • » The new economic 'great game' in Africa and the future of governance reforms in the...
    Karsenty, A.
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  • » Effects of diverse mangrove management practices on forest structure, carbon dynamics...
    Hanggara, B.B.; Murdiyarso, D.; Ginting, Y.R.S.; Widha, Y.L.; Panjaitan, G.Y.; Lubis, A.A.
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  • » Modeling deforestation at distinct geographic scales and time periods in Santa Cruz,...
    Mertens, B.; Kaimowitz, D.; Puntodewo, A.; Vanclay, J.K.; Méndez, P.
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  • » Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a phosphorus deficient soil amended with organic...
    Nziguheba, Generose; Merckx, R.; Palm, Cheryl A.
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  • » Interview with a Sironko farmer - Mr. Wogobi George
    Margiotta, S.
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  • » CGIAR research program (CRP) on roots, tubers, and bananas: Rationale, strategy and...
    Thiele, Graham
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  • » Beef and dairy value chains in Senegal: Problems and Opportunities
    Chan, Derek; Houessionon, Prosper; Sow, Fafa; Perin, Lucie; Krendelsberger, Alexandra; Seck, Ibrahima; Wane, Abdrahmane; Whitbread, Anthony M.; Worou, Nadine
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  • » The private sector's role in India's water resources development
    Shah, Tushaar; Phansalkar, Sanjiv J.
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  • » Cassava: a study of utilisation and potential markets: preliminary report
    Phillips, TF
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  • » Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping for Common Scab Resistance in a Tetraploid Potato...
    Silva Pereira, G. da; Mollinari, M.; Qu, X.; Thill, C.; Zeng, Z.B.; Haynes, K.; Yencho, G.C.
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  • » Rich forests, poor countries: adapting forest conservation to economic realities
    Sayer, Jeffrey A.; Swartzendruber, J.F.; Nasi, Robert; Byers, B.A.
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  • » Barreras de vetiver y maní forrajero usados en la producción de yuca
    Laing, Douglas R.
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  • » Multiple criteria decision making approaches to assessing forest sustainability using...
    Mendoza, G.A.; Prabhu, Ravi
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  • » Reduced tillage and crop diversification can improve productivity and profitability of...
    Hoque, Muhammad Arshadul; Gathala, Mahesh Kumar; Timsina, Jagadish; Ziauddin, Md. A.T.M.; Hossain, Mosharraf; Krupnik, Timothy J.
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  • » Climate change and variability impacts on grazing herds: Insights from a system...
    Godde, Cécile M.; Dizyee, Kanar; Ash, Andrew; Thornton, Philip K.; Sloat, Lindsey L.; Roura, Eugeni; Henderson, Benjamin B.; Herrero, Mario T.
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  • » Sustainability and challenges of ecohealth approaches for the management of brucellosis...
    Wengui Lee; Unger, Fred; Guorong Yang; Xiangdong Yang; Shibiao Yang
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  • » A transfectable Fusagravirus from a Japanese strain of Cryphonectria carpinicola with...
    Das, Subha; Hisano, Sakae; Eusebio-Cope, Ana; Kondo, Hideki; Suzuki, Nobuhiro
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  • » Safe Food, Fair Food for Cambodia: Project final workshop report
    International Livestock Research Institute
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  • » In touch with livestock challenge - Ghana
    International Livestock Research Institute
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  • » Transfer of water from irrigation to urban uses: lessons from case studies
    Barker, Randolph; Giordano, Mark
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  • » Assessing the relationship between climate, food security and conflict in Ethiopia and...
    Pacillo, Grazia; Carneiro, Bia; Resce, Giuliano; Ruscica, Giosue; Craparo, Alessandro; Basel, Ashleigh; Ramírez Villegas, Julián; Achicanoy, Harold A.E.; Villa, Victor; Krendelsberger, Alexandra; Läderach, Peter
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  • » Potret Punan Kalimantan Timur: sensus Punan 2002-2003
    Sitorus, S.; Levang, P.; Dounias, E.; Mamung, D.; Abot, D.
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  • » Reporte capacitación en herramientas de estimación de gases de efecto invernadero -...
    Loaiza, Sandra-Patricia
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  • » Experiencias orientadas a negocios agrarios implementados por instituciones promotoras...
    Alianzas de Aprendizaje
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326 - 350 of 75210 Items    << < 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 > >>