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  • » The exploitation of orphan legumes for food, income, and nutrition security in...
    Popoola, J.O.; Aworunse, O.S.; Ojuederie, O.B.; Adewale, D.B.; Ajani, O.C.; Oyatomi, Olaniyi; Eruemulor, D.I.; Adegboyega, T.T.; Obembe, O.
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  • » Policies of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: China and the world:...
    Vernooy, Ronnie; Zhang Zongwen; Song Yiching; Bioversity International
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  • » Pure and mixed forest plantations with native species of the dry tropics of Costa Rica:...
    Piotto, D.; Viquez, E.; Montagnini, F.; Kanninen, M.
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  • » Genebank accessions sub-setting tool: IPSR Innovation Profile
    Kehel, Zakaria; Ramírez Villegas, Julián; Obreza, Matija; Rabil, Christelle; Aouzal, Khadija; Mora, Brian; García, Juan Camilo; Sotelo, Humberto Steven
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  • » Perempuan dan lahan: studi kasus pada desa Baru Pelepat, Bungo-Jambi
    Sari, E.P.; Adnan, H.; Colfer, C.J.P.
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  • » Energy-irrigation nexus in South Asia: improving groundwater conservation and power...
    Shah, Tushaar; Scott, C.; Kishore, A.; Sharma, A.
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  • » Application of a soil water and groundwater simulation (SWAGSIM) model to the Mead...
    Prathapar, Sanmugam A.
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  • » Knowledge of climate change and adaptation by smallholder farmers: evidence from...
    Belay, Abrham; Oludhe, Christopher; Mirzabaev, Alisher; Recha, John W.M.; Berhane, Zerihun; Osano, Philip M.; Demissie, Teferi D.; Olaka, Lydia A.; Solomon, Dawit
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  • » Revitalizing Asia's irrigation: to sustainably meet tomorrow's food needs
    Mukherji, Aditi; Facon, T.; Burke, J.; Fraiture, Charlotte de; Faures, J.M.; Fuleki, Blanka; Giordano, Mark; David, S.; Shah, Tushaar
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  • » El Caso de la asociación de co-munidades forestales de Petén (ACOFOP): análisis de...
    Gómez, I.; Méndez, V.E.
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  • » Company--community partnership outgrower schemes in forestry plantations in Indonesia:...
    Nawir, A.A.; Gumartini, T.
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  • » Collecting evidence of FLEGT-VPA impacts: Honduras country report
    Goetghebuer, T.; Fourmy, R.; Leszczynska, N.; Almeida, B.; Newbery, J.; Cerutti, P.O.
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  • » The politics of decentralization: forests, people and power
    Colfer, C.J.P.; Capistrano, D.
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  • » Synthesizing research on pastoral governance of common-pool resources, 1 - 4 February 2021
    Robinson, Lance W.; Moritz, M.; Dressler, G.; Groeneveld, J.; Hunter, C.E.; Unks, R.
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  • » Women’s roles and opportunities in cassava value chains in Son La province in Vietnam:...
    Kawarazuka, Nozomi; Bui, Trang; Phan, CH.; Hoang, TX.
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  • » Hutan dan otonomi daerah: tantangan berbagi suka dan duka
    Resosudarmo, I.A.P.; Dermawan, A.
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  • » International Conference on Irrigation Management Transfer, Wuhan, China, 20-24...
    International Irrigation Management Institute; Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering
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  • » Stimulating innovations for sustainable agricultural practices among smallholder...
    Bedi, S.M.; Kornher, L.; von Braun, J.; Kotu, B.H.
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  • » An overview of transboundary animal diseases of viral origin in South Asia: What needs...
    Gongal, G.; Rahman, Habibar; Thakuri, K.C.; Kennady, Vijayalakshmy
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  • » Seleccion participativa de variedades de papa: Analisis disgregado por genero: Caso Peru.
    Amaya, N.; Bastos, C.; Haan, Stef de
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  • » La foret en Republique Democratique du Congo post-conflict: analyse d'un agenda...
    Debroux, L.; Hart, T.; Kaimowitz, D.; Karsenty, A.; Topa, G.
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  • » Kênh truyền thông an toàn thực phẩm
    Tran Thi Thuy Lieu
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  • » Testing criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of forests: a report on...
    Prabhu, Ravi; Colfer, C.J.P.
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  • » Contested waterscapes in the Mekong Region: hydropower, livelihoods and governance
    Molle, Francois; Foran, T.; Kakonen, M.
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  • » An Alliance for Accelerated Change Food system solutions at the nexus of agriculture,...
    Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
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