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  • » Optimum time for collection of root samples for chromosome observation in yams...
    Babil, P.K.; Kikuno, H.; Shiwachi, H.; Toyohara, H.; Fujigaki, J.; Fujimaki, H.; Asiedu, Robert
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  • » Conjunctive water management for sustainable irrigated agriculture in Rechna Doab: An...
    Jehangir, Waqar A.
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  • » Les forêts du Cameroun en 2008
    Cerutti, P.O.; Ingram, V.J.; Sonwa, D.J.
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  • » Getting incentives right? a comparative analysis of policy instruments for livestock...
    Drucker, Adam G.
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  • » Can agricultural subsidies reduce gendered productivity gaps? Panel data evidence from...
    Ngoma, Hambulo
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  • » The role of groundwater in agriculture, livelihoods and rural poverty alleviation in...
    Villholth, Karen G.; Mukherji, Aditi; Sharma, Bharat R.; Wang, J.
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  • » Assessment of on-farm, market and wild food diversity in three agro-ecological zones of...
    Werner, A.; Whitbread, Anthony M.; Kehlenbeck, K.; McMullin, S.; Keding, G.B.
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  • » Small Ruminants Marketing in Ethiopia and the Need to Rethink
    Legese, Getachew
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  • » The contribution of IITA improved cassava to food security in subSaharan Africa: an...
    Bokanga, M.; Makinde, K.; Dixon, A.; Whyte, J.; Manyong, Victor M.
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  • » Genetic transformatin of potato with a triple R gene construct to confer resistance to...
    Mwathi, M.; Roman, M.; Orbegozo, J.; Rivera, C.; Forbes, G.; Ghislain, M.
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  • » Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data for Sri Lanka: potential contributions in...
    Gangodagamage, Chandana; Biradar, Chandrashekhar M.; Islam, A.; Thenkabail, Prasad S.
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  • » Wastewater use in high rainfall riverine cities: comparisons from Cameroon, Nepal and...
    Raschid-Sally, Liqa; Kengne, I.M.; Viet Anh, N.; Endamana, D.
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  • » Livestock production challenges and improved forage production efforts in the Damot...
    Mengistu, S.; Nurfeta, A.; Tolera, Adugna; Bezabih, Melkamu; Adie, Aberra; Woldemeskel, Endalkachew; Zenebe, M.
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  • » Impact of macroeconomic change on deforestation in South Cameroon: integration of...
    Mertens, B.; Sunderlin, William D.; Ndoye, O.; Lambin, E.F.
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  • » Comparison of the potato industries in Great Britain, and Poland, with a strategy for...
    Renia, H.M.
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  • » Interactive voice response for dissemination of agronomy technologies in Malawi- the...
    Chikowo, Regis; Snapp, Sieglinde S.; King, Brian; Smith, Emy
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  • » Non-timber forest products and trade in eastern Borneo
    Sellato, B.
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  • » Contenido del carbono en los productos y residuos forestales generados por el...
    Bamaca Figueroa, E.; Kanninen, M.; Louman, Bastian; Pedroni, L.; Gómez, M.
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  • » From Mesopotamia to the third millennium: the historical trajectory of water...
    Marjanizadeh, Sara; Qureshi, Asad Sarwar; Turral, Hugh; Talebzadeh, P.
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  • » Tropical forests and extreme conflict
    Donovan, D.; Jong, W. de; Ken-Ichi, Abe
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  • » Three recommendations for advancing adaptation tracking emerge from a review of 53 African
    Nowak, Andreea C.; Njunguna, Lucy
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  • » Satisfying the growing need for water storage: the role of sand dams in an integrated...
    Lautze, Jonathan; Lazurko, Anita; Ebrahim, Girma Yimer
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  • » Why investing in Africa's livestock sector offers best returns for climate resilience
    Wamukoya, George
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  • » An ex-post methodology for measuring poor people's participation in social forestry: an...
    Sunderlin, William D.
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  • » Policies and institutional and legal frameworks in the expansion of Brazilian biofuels
    Andrade, R.M.T.; Miccolis, A.
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