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  • » Participatory rangeland management upscaling boosted by new IGAD agreement
    CGIAR Initiative on Livestock and Climate
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  • » Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) -supported...
    Jaquet, Stéphanie
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  • » Climate Security Observatory – GUATEMALA. Summary for policymakers
    Liebig, Theresa Ines
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  • » Co-designing inclusive landscape management plans to transform agrifood systems: a...
    Tilahun, Seifu A.; Atampugre, Gerald; Zemadim, Birhanu; Cofie, Olufunke
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  • » Estas son las predicciones climáticas para América Latina en 2023. ¿Está la región...
    Giraldo Mendez, Diana
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  • » Using explainable machine learning techniques to unpack farm-level management x climate...
    Ramirez Villegas, Julian; Jaimes, Diana; Gonzalez, Carlos; Llanos, Lizeth; Jimenez, Daniel; Gardeazabal, Andrea; Estrada, Oscar; Nuñez, Daniel
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  • » Identificación de las zonas de ladera aptas para el cultivo de aguacate Hass en el...
    Jinés León, Andrés; Eitzinger, Anton
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  • » Improving biosecurity practices of finfish aquaculture in Bangladesh
    Rheman, Shafiq; Hossain, Sabrina
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  • » Implementing and evaluating gender-transformative approaches in agriculture and food...
    Singh, Sabina; Puskur, Ranjitha
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  • » Opportunities for novel commercial uses of cassava
    Bentley, Simon
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  • » Local and regional climate trends and variabilities in Ethiopia: implications for...
    Gashaw, T.; Wubaye, G. B.; Worqlul, A. W.; Dile, Y. T.; Mohammed, J. A.; Birhan, D. A.; Tefera, G. W.; van Oel, P. R.; Haileslassie, Amare; Chukalla, A. D.; Taye, Meron Teferi; Bayabil, H. K.; Srinivasan, R.; Senamaw, A.; Bantider, A.; Zaitchik, B.; Adgo, E.; Seid, Abdulkarim
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  • » Developing a National Strategy for Advancing Feed and Forage Resources in Tunisia
    Frija, Aymen; Alary, Veronique
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  • » Kinetics of thermal degradation of carotenoids related to potential of mixture of...
    Ospina, Maria A.; Moreno Alzate, Jhon Larry; Tran, Thierry; Jaramillo Valencia, Angelica Maria; Gallego, Sonia; Ospina, Bernardo; Dufour, Dominique
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  • » Accelerating planned wastewater reuse in Morocco stakeholder consultation attendance list
    Brouziyne, Youssef
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  • » Ganadería sostenible en Colombia: Diagnostico y desafíos de la implementación de los...
    Sandoval, Danny; Triana Ángel, Natalia; Ortíz, Daniela; Burkart, Stefan
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  • » Adaptive investment with land tenure and weather risk: Behavioral evidence from Tanzania
    Visser, M.; Le Roux, L.; Mulwa, C.K.; Tibesigwa, B.; Bezabih, M.
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  • » Lessons learned in training trainers, communities and students on One Health in schools
    Buyugu, Paul S.; Thomson, Deborah
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  • » Atelier sur L'Acceleration de la Reutilisation dex Eaux Usees au Maroc: Analyse...
    Brouziyne, Youssef
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  • » Regenerative agriculture for low-carbon and resilient coffee farms: A practical...
    Pulleman, Mirjam M.; Rahn, Eric; Valle, José Francisco
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  • » Market Intelligence insights for groundnut breeding and seed systems in Tanzania
    Rutsaert, Pieter; Masimane, Joy; Mawia, Harriet; Kitoto, Victor O.; De Sousa, Kauê; Van Etten, Jacob; Daudi, Happy; Ochieng, Justus; Rubyogo, Jean-Claude; Ojiewo, Chris O.
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  • » Entomología de forrajes: Evaluación de poblaciones Pm21, BR19 y SX18 al ataque del...
    Zamora, María Fernanda; Velasco, Jeison; Espitia, Paula; Hernández, Luis; Jauregui, Rosa
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  • » Mesas Tecnicas Agroclimaticas (MTAS): Información al alcance de los agricultores...
    Giraldo Mendez, Diana; Martinez Baron, Deissy; Munoz, Luis Armando; Navarro, Carlos Eduardo
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  • » Women’s visibility and bargaining power in the common bean value chain in Mozambique
    Maereka, Enock Kuziwa; Nchanji, Eileen B.; Nyamolo, Victor; Cosmas, Lutomia K.; Chataika, Bartholomew Y.
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  • » One Health for improved food system: A south-south perspective
    Hung Nguyen-Viet; Sinh Dang-Xuan; Unger, Fred; Knight-Jones, Theodore J.D.; Deka, Ram Pratim; Bett, Bernard K.
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  • » Artificial intelligence and agricultural management: Opportunities and risks
    Jimenez, Daniel; Muller, Anna; Rhys, Manners; Mariangel, Garcia
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