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  • » Osobey-Golbo rangeland unit
    International Livestock Research Institute
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  • » Importance du ''Velvet bean'' (Mucuna pruriens) comme culture de couverture dans les...
    Ntamwira, J; Ocimati, W; Blomme, G
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  • » Assessment on the Livestock and Feed Production and Utilization Practice in Basona...
    Assefa, Getnet; Mekonnen, Kindu; Gebreyes, Million; Alene, Temesgen; Asfaw, Addisu; Seifu, Haimanot; Whitbread, Anthony M.
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  • » Sowing seeds of change, joining forces to build resilience in agricultural communities...
    Kenduiywo, Benson; Chepngetich, Brenda; Villa, Victor; Belli, Anna; Korir, Victor; Karanja, Regina; Kiogora, Joseline
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  • » A report of meloidogyne arenaria parasitizing plantain (Musa spp., AAB) in Nigeria
    Olajide, E.; Kolombia, Y.A.; Amah, D.; Agogbua, J.U.; Coyne, D.; Swennen, R.; Cortada, L.; Bert, W.
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  • » AI-driven tree monitoring for silvopastoral systems using remote sensing imagery:...
    Ruiz, Andrés Felipe; Cardoso, Juan Andrés
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  • » Connaissances des risques liés à la gestion du fumier sur la santé publique dans les...
    Yena, A.S.
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  • » Taller participativo para el fortalecimiento institucional de género, cambio climático...
    Howland, Fanny; Paez, Ana Maria
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  • » Melisa chatbot: The oracle for famers
    Sotelo, Steven; Ramirez Villegas, Julian; Agudelo, Diego; Ruiz-Guzman, Henry
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  • » DNNGP, a deep neural network-based method for genomic prediction using multi-omics data...
    Wang, Kelin; Abid, Muhammad Ali; Awais Rasheed; Crossa, Jose; Hearne, Sarah; Huihui Li
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  • » Maize stover transfers from maize fields to banana-based agroforestry homegardens and...
    Meya, A.I.; Swennen, R.; Ndakidemi, P.A.; Mtei, K.M.; Merckx, R.
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  • » African cassava whitefly project towards whitefly resistance in cassava discovery,...
    Bohorquez Chaux, Adriana; Barrera, Vianey Paola; Gomez Jimenez, Maria Isabel; Bolaños, Carmen Adriana; Sanchez, Camilo E; Gimode, Winnie; Becerra Lopez Lavalle, Luis Augusto
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  • » Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2023/2024
    Bustamante, Mercedes; Roy, Joyashree; Ospina, Daniel; Achakulwisut, Ploy; Aggarwal, Anubha; Singh, Vartika
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  • » Slow gender-transformative change in Nepal’s water sector offers lessons for CGIAR...
    Buchy, Marlene
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  • » Desk review of school food environment literature, policy and guidelines in the...
    Umali, Diana Jean; Itliong, Kirstein; Anunciado, Ma. Shiela; Monville-Oro, Emilita; Gonsalves, Julian; Hunter, Daniel; Borelli, Teresa; Mendonce, Sharon
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  • » Positivity Bias and Influencing Elite Attitudes on Women’s Leadership Evidence from...
    Ragasa, Catherine; Kyle, Jordan; Ma, Ning
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  • » Unlocking the power of one health partnership for curbing health-related risks from...
    Tafesse, Yonas; Kibret, M.; Haile, Alemseged
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  • » Informe final. AirClean
    International Potato Center
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  • » Applying the six-dimensional food security framework to examine a fresh fruit and...
    Mockshell, Jonathan; Ritter, Thea Nielsen
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  • » Food System Monitoring navigating a data-driven future (WP4): Webniar
    Jimenez, Daniel; Garcia, Gustavo; Castillo, Johana; Manners, Rhys; Storr, Samuel
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  • » Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations
    Crona, Beatrice I.; Wassénius, Emmy; Jonell, Malin; Koehn, J. Zachary; Short, Rebecca; Tigchelaar, Michelle; Daw, Tim A.; Golden, Christopher D.; Gephart, Jessica A.; Allison, Edward H.; Bush, Simon R.; Cao, Ling; Cheung, William W. L.; DeClerck, Fabrice A.J.; Fanzo, Jessica; Gelcich, Stefan; Kishore, Avinash; Halpern, Benjamin S.; Hicks, Christina C.; Leape, James P.; Little, David C.; Micheli, Fiorenza; Naylor, Rosamond L.; Phillips, Michael; Selig, Elizabeth R.; Springmann, Marco; Sumaila, U. Rashid; Troell, Max; Thilsted, Shakuntala H.; Wabnitz, Colette C.C.
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  • » Spatial distribution and association of biophysical factors with chickpea chlorotic...
    Ademe, Anteneh; Kumari, Safaa; Alemu, Tesfaye; Abraham, Adane; Aynewa, Yetsedaw; Moukahel, Abdulrahman; Guadie, Demsache; Kemal, Seid Ahmed
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  • » Potential food safety risks in tomato value chains in urban settings of Eastern...
    Amenu, Kebede; Megersa, B.; Jaleta, M.B.; Dinede, Getachew; Worku, H.; Kasim, K.; Taha, M.; Ibrahim, A.M.; Kedir, J.; Mego, Lina; Roesel, Kristina; Roothaert, R.; Srinivasan, R.; Grace, Delia; Knight-Jones, Theodore J.D.
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  • » Process of integrating socio-technical bundles and measuring impacts using...
    Gartaula, Hom N; Nchanji, Eileen; Puskur, Ranjitha; Ketema, Dessalegn; Mukhopadhyay, Prama; Lutomia, Cosmas; Thomas, George; Chadha, Deepali
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  • » Farmers in Zimbabwe embrace agroecology
    Hove, Tawanda
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