
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Modelos de los efectos globales de los cambios tecnológicos sobre la distribución de los ingresos en ambientes de producción favorecidos y marginales de Pakistán
  • » Rainfed maize production in Mexico: trends, constraints, and technological and institutional challenges for researchers
  • » Returns to wheat research in Nepal
  • » From agronomic data to farmer recommendations: an economics training manual
  • » Dryland wheat in India: the impact of technical change and future research challenges
  • » El uso y conservación de los recursos naturales en La Fraylesca, Chiapas: un diagnóstico
  • » The economics of quality protein maize as an animal feed: case studies of Brazil and El Salvador
  • » Crop management research and extension: The products and their impact on productivity
  • » Institutionalizing the role of the economist in national agricultural research institutes
  • » La producción de maíz de temporal en México: tendencias, restricciones y retos tecnológicos e institucionales para los investigadores
  • » Cereal grain policy analysis in the national agricultural research systems of Eastern and Southern Africa
  • » La adopción de tecnologías agrícolas: guía para el diseño de encuestas
  • » The adoption of agricultural technology: a guide for survey design
  • » Economic policy and technology determinants of the comparative advantage of wheat production in Sudan
  • » Impacts of international wheat breeding research in the developing world, 1966-90
  • » Gorras y sombreros: caminos hacia la colaboración entre técnicos y campesinos. Memoria del taller sobre los métodos participativos de investigación y extensión aplicados a las tecnologías basadas en abonos verdes
  • » Wheat supply in Kenya: production technologies, sources of inefficiency, and potential for productivity growth
  • » Nutritive and economic value of triticale as a feed grain for poultry
  • » Impact of Mexican germplasm on Brazilian wheat cropping: an ex-post economic analysis
  • » Impact of no-till technologies in Ghana
  • » Farmer experimentation to assess the potential of legumes in maize-based cropping systems in Malawi
  • » Adoption of maize seed and fertilizer technologies in embu district, Kenya
  • » Legal issues in the use of geospatial data and tools for agriculture and natural resource management: a primer
  • » Report of an ARPT/CIMMYT networkshops on the role of rural sociology and anthropology in farming systems research and extension
  • » Reporte técnico final del proyecto "zonas competitivas de producción sostenible de maíz en América Central". Parte I: Antecedentes y aspectos metodológicos
401 - 425 of 8648 Items    << < 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 > >>