
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Preferences and constraints of maize farmers in the development and adoption of improved varieties in the mid-altitude, sub-humid agro-ecology of Western Ethiopia
  • » Leaf senescence induced by nitrogen deficiency as indicator of genotypic differences in nitrogen efficiency in tropical maize
  • » The effect of integrated organic and inorganic fertilizer rates on performances of soybean and maize component crops of a soybean/maize mixture at Bako, Western Ethiopia
  • » Identificacion de razas mexicanas de maiz adaptadas a condiciones deficientes de humedad mediante datos biogeograficos
  • » Drought risk and maize production in Southern Africa
  • » Breeding disease-resistant wheats for tropical highlands and lowlands
  • » CIMMYT's genetic progress in wheat grain quality under four nitrogen rates
  • » Nitrogen leaching and soil nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium levels under irrigated wheat in Northern Mexico
  • » Protecting South Asian wheat production from Stem Rust (Ug99) epidemic
  • » QTL mapping of slow-rusting, adult plant resistance to race Ug99 of stem rust fungus in PBW343/Muu RIL population
  • » Genetic analysis of adult plant resistance to yellow rust and leaf rust in common spring wheat Quaiu 3
  • » Segregation analysis indicates that Puroindoline b-2 variants 2 and 3 are allelic in Triticum aestivum and that a revision to Puroindoline b-2 gene symbolization is indicated
  • » The influence of drought and heat stress on the expression of end-use quality parameters of common wheat
  • » Development of two species-specific primer sets to detect the cereal cyst nematodes Heterodera avenae and Heterodera filipjevi
  • » Breeding progress for yield in winter wheat genotypes targeted to irrigated environments of the CWANA region
  • » Contribucion de combinaciones de gluteninas a las caracteristicas del gluten en poblaciones recombinantes de trigo
  • » Improved methodology for resistance screening in spring wheat against the root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus thornei (Sher et Allen) (Tylenchida: Pratylenchidae)
  • » Screening for resistance to Heterodera filipjevi (Madzhidov) Stelter (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae) and Pratylenchus thornei (Sher & Allen) (Tylenchida: Pratylenchidae) sister lines of spring wheat
  • » Right-sizing stem-rust research
  • » Heat and drought stress on durum wheat: Responses of genotypes, yield, and quality parameters
  • » QTL analysis of the spring wheat 'Chapio' identifies stable stripe rust resistance despite inter-continental genotype × environment interactions
  • » Characterization of dense and erect panicle 1 gene (tadep1) located on common wheat group 5 chromosomes and development of allele-specific markers
  • » Aegilops tauschii draft genome sequence reveals a gene repertoire for wheat adaptation
  • » Historical changes in grain yield and quality of spring wheat varieties cultivated in Siberia from 1900 to 2010
  • » Weed management strategies to reduce herbicide use in zero-till rice?wheat cropping systems of the indo-gangetic plains
2751 - 2775 of 8648 Items    << < 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 > >>