
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » CIMMYT's approach to breeding for wide adaptation
  • » Improvement of durum wheat yield and associated effects on morpho-physiological characters
  • » Selecao para periodo de florescimento e estatura de planta e seu efeito no rendimento de graos de trigo
  • » Yield potential progress in short bread wheats in Northwest Mexico
  • » Genetic progress in wheat yield and nitrogen use efficiency under four nitrogen rates
  • » Impact of CIMMYT varieties on the genetic diversity of wheat in Australia, 1973-1993
  • » Agronomic effects from chromosome translocations 7DL.7Ag and 1BL.1RS in spring wheat
  • » Interpreting genotype X environment interaction in wheat by partial least squares regression
  • » ColonizaciĆ³n micorrizica arbuscular, actividad fosfatasica y longitud radical como respuesta a estres de fosforo en trigo y triticale cultivados en un andisol
  • » Estimation of optimum plot dimensions and replication number for wheat experimentation in Ethiopia
  • » Traits associated with improved P-uptake efficiency in CIMMYT's semidwarf spring bread wheat grown on an acid andisol in Mexico
  • » Photosynthesis of wheat in a warm, irrigated environment I: Genetic diversity and crop productivity
  • » Agro-ecological decision support systems for wheat improvement in Ethiopia: Climatic characterisation and clustering of wheat growing regions
  • » Mapping Yr28 and other genes for resistance to stripe rust in wheat
  • » Identification of wheat streak mosaic virus and its vector Aceria tosichella in Mexico
  • » The effect of the accumulation of disease resistance genes on the long-term association of a global sample of environments for testing spring bread wheat
  • » Differences in shoot growth and zinc concentration of 164 bread wheat genotypes in a zinc-deficient calcareous soil
  • » Grain yield and other traits of tall and dwarf isolines of modern bread and durum wheats
  • » Regeneration potential of CIMMYT durum wheat and triticale varieties from immature embryos
  • » Relationships among bread wheat international yield testing locations in dry areas
  • » Yield performance and adaptation of some Australian and CIMMYT/ICARDA development wheat genotypes in the West Asia North Africa (WANA) region
  • » An adaptation analysis of Australian and CIMMYT/ICARDA wheat germplasm in Australian production environments
  • » Crop modeling and the identification of stable coefficients that may reflect significant groups of genes
  • » Photosynthetic and developmental traits associated with genotypic differences in durum wheat yield across the mediterranean basin
  • » Validation of molecular markers for wheat breeding
1801 - 1825 of 8648 Items    << < 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 > >>