
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » A comparative study for yield performance and adaptation of some Australian and CIMMYT/ICARDA wheat genotypes grown at selected locations in Australia and the WANA region
  • » Physiological and morphological aspects of bipolaris sorokiniana conidia surviving on wheat straw
  • » Glutenin composition, quality characteristics, and agronomic attributes of durum wheat cultivars released in Ethiopia
  • » Effect of leaf rust resistance gene Lr34 on components of slow rusting at seven growth stages in wheat
  • » Expression and suppression of resistance to greenbug (Homoptera: Aphididae) in synthetic hexaploid wheats derived from Triticum dicoccum x Aegilops tauschii crosses
  • » The yield of durum wheats released in Mexico between 1960 and 1984
  • » Productividade de trigo (Triticum aestivum (L.) thell.) com tolerância ao alumínio tóxico no solo
  • » A quantitative scale of spike initial and pistil development in barley and wheat
  • » Suitability of Chinese wheat cultivars for production of northern style Chinese steamed bread
  • » Wheat quality traits and quality parameters of cooked dry white chinese noodles
  • » The mixed inheritance analysis of polyphenol oxidase activities in winter wheat
  • » Microsatellite markers for genes Lr34/Yr18 and other quantitative trait loci for leaf rust and stripe rust resistance in bread wheat
  • » Molecular marker mapping of Leaf Rust resistance gene Lr46 and its association with Strip Rust resistance gene Yr29 in wheat
  • » Association of lypoxygenase locus, lpx-b1, with variation in lipoxygenase activity in durum wheat seeds
  • » Oxygen use from solution by wheat genotypes differing in tolerance to waterlogging
  • » Comparison of Two Breeding Strategies by Computer Simulation
  • » Associations among Twenty Years of International Bread Wheat Yield Evaluation Environments
  • » Limitations to photosynthesis under light and heat stress in three high yielding wheat genotypes
  • » Effect of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and NaCl on the establishment of callus and plant regeneration in durum and bread wheat
  • » Effects of the 7DL.7Ag translocation from lophopyrum elongatum on wheat yield and related morphophysiological traits under different environments
  • » Growth and morphology of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) culms and their association with lodging: effects of genotypes, N levels and ethephon
  • » Selection index for improving helminthosporium leaf blight resistance maturity, and kernel weight in spring wheat
  • » Are synthetic hexaploids a means of increasing grain element concentrations in wheat?
  • » Pyramiding and validation of quantitative trait locus (QTL) alleles determinig resistance to barley stripe rust: effects on adult plant resistance
  • » Evaluation of selection strategies for wheat adaptation across water regimes
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