
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Variation in south Asian wheat germplasm for seedling drought tolerance traits
  • » Genetic variation among populations of the Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Morocco and Syria
  • » Indirect selection for grain yield in spring bread wheat in diverse nurseries worldwide using parameters locally determined in north-west Mexico
  • » Progress in host plant resistance in wheat to Russian wheat aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in North Africa and West Asia
  • » Assessment of high molecular weight glutenin sub-units and baking quality related traits in some of the Iranian bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces
  • » The emergence of Ug99 races of the stem rust fungus is a threat to world wheat production
  • » Farmers' preference and informal seed dissemination of first Ug99 tolerant wheat variety in Bangladesh
  • » Bipolaris sorokiniana of barley: infection behaviour in different members of Poaceae
  • » Drought adaptive traits and wide adaptation in elite lines derived from resynthesized hexaploid wheat
  • » Evaluation of CIMMYT germplasm for resistance to leaf spotting diseases of wheat
  • » Dough rheology of wheat recombinant lines in relation to allelic variants of Glu-1 and Glu-3 loci
  • » Norman Borlaug’s legacy and the urgent need for continuing innovative wheat technology
  • » Does ear C sink strength contribute to overcoming photosynthetic acclimation of wheat plants exposed to elevated CO2?
  • » Population- and genome-specific patterns of linkage disequilibrium and SNP variation in spring and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
  • » Variation in some agronomic characteristics and soluble stem carbohydrates cantent at anthesis in spring wheat genotypes under terminal drought stress conditions
  • » Evaluation of promising (advanced) bread wheat genotypes to drought stress by using drought tolerance and susceptibility indices
  • » Aflak, A new bread wheat cultivar, resistant to yellow and leaf rusts and terminal heat stress for cultivation under irrigated conditions in Southern warm and dry areas of Iran
  • » Comparative analyses of LMW glutenin alleles in bread wheat using allele-specific PCR and SDS-PAGE
  • » Can Mediterranean durum wheat landraces contribute to improved grain quality attributes in modern cultivars?
  • » Wheat science into the 21st century - challenges and opportunities
  • » Reconstruction of the Synthetic W7984 × Opata M85 wheat reference population
  • » First report of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici races with virulence to wheat stem rust resistance genes Sr31 and Sr24 in Eritrea
  • » Implication of rate and time of nitrogen application on wheat (Triticum aestivum. l .) yield and quality in Kenya
  • » Evaluation of genetic bases and diversity of Egyptian wheat cultivars released during the last 50 years using coefficient of parentage
  • » Global incidence of wheat rusts and powdery mildew during 1969-2010 and durability of resistance of winter wheat variety Bezostaya 1
2326 - 2350 of 8648 Items    << < 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 > >>