
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Molecular detection of genomic regions associated with grain yield and yield-related components in an elite bread wheat cross evaluated under irrigated and rainfed conditions
  • » Quantifying genetic effects of ground cover on soil water evaporation using digital imaging
  • » Heat and drought adaptive QTL in a wheat population designed to minimize confounding agronomic effects
  • » Zhongmai 349, a new wheat cultivar
  • » Molecular characterization of Lr34/Yr18/Pm38 in 273 CIMMYT wheat cultivars and lines using functional markers
  • » Prey preference, interaction with selected natural enemies, and alternative nutritional sources of the mirid bug Dicyphus tamaninii Wagner
  • » Race non-specific resistance to rust diseases in CIMMYT spring wheats
  • » Quantitative trait loci for resistance to spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana in wheat (T.aestivum L.) lines 'Ning 8201' and 'Chirya 3'
  • » Diversity and association of isolates and symptoms of spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
  • » Diversity in Indian barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivars and identification of genotype-specific fingerprints using microsatellite markers
  • » Dissecting drought adaptation into its phenotypic and genetic components in wheat
  • » Genetics and mapping of resistance to spore inoculum and culture filtrate of Phaeosphaeria nodorum in spring wheat line ND 735
  • » Development and agronomic performance of transgenic roundup ready spring wheat in the North Central plains of the United States
  • » A comparative effect of salinity and drought on growth, ion concentration and Delta13C and Delta15N in barley
  • » Complexity in climate-change impacts: an analytical framework for effects mediated by plant disease
  • » Breeding of spring common wheat for resistance to local populations and virulent race Ug99 of stem rust in West Siberia
  • » Kernel elastic properties and sedimentation: influence of high and low molecular weight glutenin allelic composition
  • » Proteinas del gluten y reologia de trigos harineros mexicanos infueciados por factores ambientales y genotipicos
  • » Raising yield potential of wheat. I. Overview of a consortium approach and breeding strategies
  • » Influence of low-molecular weight glutenin subunits on wheat kernel elasticity and sedimentation volume
  • » Sources of cochliobolus sativus inoculum causing spot blotch under warm wheat growing conditions in South Asia
  • » Global status of wheat leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina
  • » Genetic protection of wheat from rusts and development of resistant varieties in Russia and Ukraine
  • » Genetic variation within and between winter wheat genotypes from Turkey, Kazakhstan, and Europe as determined by nucleotide-binding-site profiling
  • » Efecto de la translocacion 1bl.1rs en la calidad del grano y harina de trigo*
2301 - 2325 of 8648 Items    << < 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 > >>