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  • » A new valuation school: Integrating diverse values of nature in resource and land use...
    Jacobs, S.; Dendoncker, N.; Martín López, B.; Barton, David N.; Gómez Baggethun, E.; Boeraeve, F.; McGrath, F.L.; Vierikko, K.; Geneletti, D.; Sevecke, K.J.; Pipart, N.; Primmer, Eeva; Mederly, P.; Schmidt, S.; Aragão, A.; Baral, H.; Bark, R.H.; Briceno, T.; Brogna, D.; Cabral, P.; Vreese, R. de; Liquete, C.; Mueller, H.; Peh, K.S.H.; Phelan, A.; Rincón Ruiz, A.; Rogers, S.H.; Turkelboom, F.; Reeth, W. van; Zanten, B.T. van; Wam, H.K.; Washbourne, C-L.
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  • » Maintaining ecosystem function and services in logged tropical forests
    Edwards, D.P.; Tobias, J.A; Sheil, D.; Meijaard, E.; Laurance, W.F.
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  • » High-resolution global map of smallholder and industrial closed-canopy oil palm...
    Descals, A.; Wich, S.; Meijaard, E.; Gaveau, D.L.A.; Peedell, S.; Szantoi, Z.
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  • » What drives smallholder tree growing? Enabling conditions in a changing policy environment
    Arvola, A.; Brockhaus, Maria; Kallio, M.; Pham Thu Thuy; Đào Thị, L.C.; Hoàng, T.L.; Nawir, A.A.; Phimmavong, S.; Mwamakimbullah, R.; Jacovelli, P.
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  • » Agroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi series: Local perceptions of forest ecosystem...
    Yuliani, L.; Mulyana, A.; Adnan, H.; Manalu, P.; Achdiawan, R.; Tias, P.; Moeliono, M.; Balang; Teras
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  • » Forests, Livelihoods, and Conservation: Broadening the Empirical Base
    Wunder, Sven; Angelsen, A.; Belcher, B.
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  • » Export-oriented deforestation in Mato Grosso: harbinger or exception for other tropical...
    Fries, R.S. de; Herold, Martin; Verchot, Louis V.; Macedo, M.N; Shimabukuro, Y.
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  • » Investments and returns from cooperative and household managed woodlots in Zimbabwe:...
    Jagger, P.; Luckert, M.
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  • » An Introduction to Forest Governance, People and REDD+ in Latin America: Obstacles and...
    Larson, A.M.; Petkova, E.
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  • » A Density-Based Approach for Leaf Area Index Assessment in a Complex Forest Environment...
    Rouzbeh Kargar, A.; MacKenzie, R.A.; Asner, G.P.; Aardt, J. van
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  • » Identification, Prioritization and Mapping of Ecosystem Services in the Panchase...
    Adhikari, S.; Baral, H.; Nitschke, C.R.
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  • » Social and Biological Correlates of Wild Meat Consumption and Trade by Rural...
    El Bizri, H.R.; Morcatty, T.Q.; Ferreira, J.C.; Mayor, P.; Vasconcelos Neto, C.F.A.; Valsecchi, J.; Nijman, V.; Fa, J.E.
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  • » Where and how are roads endangering mammals in Southeast Asia's forests?
    Clements, G.R.; Lynam, A.J; Gaveau, D.L.A.; Wei, L.Y; Lhota, S.; Goosem, M; Laurance, S.G.W.; Laurance, W.F.
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  • » Objectives, ownership and engagement in Lao PDR's REDD+ policy landscape
    Cole, R.; Wong, Grace Y.; Brockhaus, Maria; Moeliono, M.; Kallio, M.H.
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  • » Science for Forests for People

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  • » Accessing local knowledge to identify where species of conservation concern occur in a...
    Padmanaba, M.; Sheil, D.; Basuki, I; Liswanti, N.
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  • » Macroecological patterns of forest structure and allometric scaling in mangrove forests
    Rovai, A.S.; Twilley, R.R.; Castañeda Moya, E.; Midway, S.R.; Friess, D.A.; Trettin, C.C.; Bukoski, J.J.; Stovall, A.E.L.; Pagliosa, P.R.; Fonseca, A.L.; Mackenzie, R.A.; Aslan, A.; Sasmito, S.D.; Sillanpää, M.; Cole, T.G.; Purbopuspito, J.; Warren, M.W.; Murdiyarso, D.; Mofu, W.; Sharma, S.; Tinh, P.H.; Riul, P.
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  • » Land-use changes by large-scale plantations and their effects on soil organic carbon,...
    Shete, M.; Rutten, M.; Schoneveld, George C.; Zewude, E.
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  • » Impacts of Land Use on Indian Mangrove Forest Carbon Stocks: Implications for...
    Bhomia, R.K.; Mackenzie, R.A.; Murdiyarso, Daniel; Sasmito, S.D.; Purbopuspito, J.
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  • » What scope for certifying forest ecosystem services?
    Meijaard, E.; Wunder, Sven; Guariguata, M.R.; Sheil, D.
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  • » Artisanal chainsaw milling to support decentralized management of timber in Central...
    Lescuyer, G.; Cerutti, P.O.; Robiglio, Valentina
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  • » Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth’s tropical forests
    Sullivan, M.J.P.; Lewis, S.L.; Affum-Baffoe, K.; Castilho, C.; Costa, F.; Sánchez, A.C.; Ewango, C.E.N.; Hubau, W.; Marimon, B.; Monteagudo-Mendoza, A.; Qie, L.; Sonké, B.; Martínez, R.V.; Baker, T.R.; Brienen, R.J.W.; Feldpausch, T.R.; Galbraith, D.; Gloor, M.; Malhi, Y.; Aiba, S.-I.; Alexiades, M.N.; Almeida, E.C.; Oliveira, E.A. de; Dávila, E.Á.; Loayza, P.A.; Andrade, A.; Vieira, S.A.; Aragão, L.E.O.C.; Araujo-Murakami, A.; Arets, E.J.M.M.; Arroyo, L.; Ashton, P.; Aymard C, G.; Baccaro, F.B.; Banin, L.F.; Baraloto, C.; Camargo, P.B.; Barlow, J.; Barroso, J.; Bastin, J.F.; Batterman, S.A.; Beeckman, H.; Begne, S.K.; Bennett, A.C.; Berenguer, E.; Berry, N.; Blanc, L.; Boeckx, P.; Bogaert, J.; Bonal, D.; Bongers, F.; Bradford, M.; Brearley, F.Q.; Brncic, T.; Brown, F.; Burban, B.; Camargo, J.L.; Castro, W.; Céron, C.; Ribeiro, S.C.; Moscoso, V.C.; Chave, J.; Chezeaux, E.; Clark, C.J.; Souza, F.C. de; Collins, M.; Comiskey, J.A.; Valverde, F.C.; Medina, M.C.; Costa, L. da; Dancák, M.; Dargie, G.C.; Davies, S.; Cardozo, N.D.; Haulleville, T. de; Medeiros, M.B. de; Águila Pasquel, J. del; Derroire, G.; Di Fiore, A.; Doucet, J.-L.; Dourdain, A.; Droissant, V.; Duque, L.F.; Ekoungoulou, R.; Elias, F.; Erwin, T.; Esquivel-Muelbert, A.; Fauset, S.; Ferreira, J.; Llampazo, G.F.; Foli, E.; Ford, A.; Gilpin, M.; Hall, J.S.; Hamer, K.C.; Hamilton, A.C.; Harris, D.j.; Hart, T.B.; Hédl, R.; Herault, B.; Herrera, R.; Higuchi, N.; Hladik, A.; Coronado, E.H.; Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, I.; Huasco, W.H.; Jeffery, K.J.; Jiménez Rojas, E.; Kalamandeen, M.; Djuikouo, M.N.K.; Kearsley, E.; Umetsu, R.K.; Kho, L.K.; Killeen, T.; Kitayama, K.; Klitgaard, B.; Koch, A.; Labrière, N.; Laurance, W.; Laurance, S.G.W.; Leal, M.E.; Levesley, A.; Lima, A.J.N.; Lisingo, J.; Lopes, A.P.; López Gonzalez, G.; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Lovett, J.C.; Lowe, R.; Magnusson, W.E.; Malumbres-Olarte, J.; Manzatto, Â.G.; Marimon, B.H.; Marshall, A.R.; Marthews, T.; Almeida Reis, S.M. de; Maycock, C.; Melgaço, K.; Mendoza, C.; Metali, F.; Mihindou, V.; Milliken, W.; Mitchard, E.T.A.; Morandi, P.S.; Mossman, H.L.; Nagy, L.; Nascimento, H.; Neill, D.; Nilus, R.; Vargas, P.N.; Palacios, W.; Camacho, N.P.; Peacock, J.; Pendry, C.; Peñuela Mora, M.C.; Pickavance, G.C.; Pipoly, J.; Pitman, N.; Playfair, M.; Poorter, L.; Poulsen, J.R.; Poulsen, A.D.; Preziosi, R.; Prieto, A.; Primack, R.B.; Ramírez-Angulo, H.; Reitsma, J.; Réjou-Méchain, M.; Correa, Z.R.; Sousa, T.R. de; Bayona, L.R.; Roopsind, A.; Rudas, A.; Rutishauser, E.; Abu Salim, K.; Salomão, R.P.; Schietti, J.; Sheil, D.; Silva, R.C.; Espejo, J.S.; Valeria, C.S.; Silveira, M.; Simo-Droissart, M.; Simon, M.F.; Singh, J.; Soto Shareva, Y.C.; Stahl, C.; Stropp, J.; Sukri, R.; Sunderland, T.C.H.; Svátek, M.; Swaine, M.D.; Swamy, V.; Taedoumg, H.E.; Talbot, J.; Taplin, J.; Taylor, D.; Ter Steege, H.; Terborgh, J.; Thomas, R.; Thomas, S.C.; Torres Lezama, A.; Umunay, P.M.; Gamarra, L.V.; Heijden, G. van der; Hout, P. van der; Meer, P. van der; Nieuwstadt, M. van; Verbeeck, H.; Vernimmen, R.; Vicentini, A.; Vieira, I.C.G.; Torre, E.V.; Vleminckx, J.; Vos, V.; Wang, O.; White, L.J.T.; Willcock, S.; Woods, J.T.; Wortel, V.; Young, K.; Zagt, R.; Zemagho, L.; Zuidema, P.A.; Zwerts, J.A.; Phillips, O.L.
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  • » Comments on "The Tropospheric Land-Sea Warming Contrast as the Driver of Tropical Sea...
    Makarieva, A.M.; Gorshkov, V.G.; Nefiodov, A.V.; Sheil, D.; Nobre, A.D.; Li, B.L.
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  • » The Challenge of Governing Africa's New Agricultural Investment Landscapes: An Analysis...
    Schoneveld, George C.
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  • » Does production of oil palm, soybean, or jatropha change biodiversity and ecosystem...
    Savilaakso, S.; Laumonier, Y.; Guariguata, M.R.; Nasi, Robert
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