
KRISHI: Publication and Data Inventory Repository

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  • » Screening of rice varieties for resistance against brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata...
    Jena M.; Sahu R.K.; Marandi B.C.
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  • » Genetic variability of quality characters and grain yield in lowland rice geno-types of...
    Bose L.K.; Das S.; Pradhan S.K.; Subudhi H.N.; Singh S.; Singh O.N.
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  • » Impact of stand density and levels of nitrogen on yield maximization of rice (Oryza...
    Ghosh A
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  • » Role of adjuvants in the efficacy of insecticides against insect pests of rice.
    Jena M.; Dani R.C.; Nayak S.K.
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  • » Field validation of DNDC model for methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice- based...
    Babu Y.J.; Li C.; Frolking S.; Nayak D.R.; Adhya T.K.
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  • » Performance of rice (Oryzasativa)-utera pea (Pisumsativum) cropping system as...
    Rautaray S.K.
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  • » Developing ORYZA 1N for Medium- and Long-Duration Rice: Variety Selection under...
    Swain D; Heathi S.; Chandrabaskar B.; Krishnan P.; Rao K. S; Nayak S. K; Dash R.N.
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  • » Adoption of upland rice technologies and its correlates.
    Rath N.C.; Das L.; Mishra S.K.; Lenka S.
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  • » Effect of spacing and fertilizer dose on grain yield of rice (Oryzasativa L.) in...
    Rautaray S.K.
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  • » Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, CO2 photosynthetic rate and regeneration capacity...
    Panda D.; Sharma S.G.; Sarkar R.K.
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  • » Effect of intercropping on the yield and yield parameters of groundnut (Arachishypogaea).
    Prasad T.V.; Nandagopal V.; Gedia M.V.; Koradia V.G.; Patel H.V.
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  • » Methane oxidation in an intensively cropped tropical rice field soil under long-term...
    Nayak D.R.; Babu Y.J.; Datta A.; Adhya T.K.
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  • » Cultural growth on different media and molecular studies of A. flavus isolates...
    Nayak S.; Misra S.; Dhua U.
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  • » Chlorophyll fluorescence transient analysis and its association with submergence...
    Panda D.; Sharma S.G.; Sarkar R.K.
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  • » Development of efficient pheromone trap for field catch of Spodopteralitura (F.) in...
    Nandagopal V.; Rathod Rajiv
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  • » Evaluation of sampling procedure for leaf hopper and thrips in Groundnut.
    Nandagopal V.; Geetha N.; Gedia M.V.
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  • » Simulation studies on the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on rice yield in...
    Krishnan P.; Swain D.K.; Baskar C.; Nayak S.K.; Dash R.N.
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  • » Validation of IPM strategy for rainfed upland rice (Oryzasativa L.) under medium...
    Maiti D.; Shukla V.D.; Variar M.; Mehdi M.M.; Rath P.C.
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  • » Impact of on-farm trials on integrated pest management on the knowledge level of farmers.
    Dani R.C.; Das L.; Saha S.; Mishra S.K.
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  • » Genetic variability in grain quality characteristics and yield in lowland rice genotypes.
    Das S.; Subudhi H.N.; Reddy J.N.
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  • » Root oxidase activity and higher carbohydrate levels help survive submergence stress in...
    Das S.; Das A.; Ramakrishnayya G.
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  • » Biodiversity of wild rice in Orissa and necessity for conservation.
    Swain D.; Subudhi H.N.; Panda S.P; Choudhury B.P.
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  • » Genetic diversity studies in lowland rice varieties.
    Swain D.; Subudhi H.N.; Prasad D.; Bose L.K.
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  • » Integrated weed and fertilizer management for sustainable weed control and improved...
    Singh C.V.; Ghosh B.C.; Mitra B.N.; Singh R.K.
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  • » Participatory Approach to Rice-Fish Farming in Coastal Ecosystem: Prospects and Value...
    Sinhababu D.P.; Mahata K.R.; Saha S.
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