
KRISHI: Publication and Data Inventory Repository

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  • » Evaluation of allelopathic potential of Echinochloacolona (L) Link. On germination and...
    Swain D.; Singh Monika; Paroha Seema; Subudhi H.N
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  • » Rainfall variability study for crop planning under rainfed production system in western...
    Saha S.; Rao K.S.
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  • » Distinction and characterisation of submergence tolerant and sensitive rice cultivars,...
    Sarkar R.K.; Panda D.
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  • » Chandrama (CR 386-2-10) – A potential rice (Oryzasativa) variety for irrigated and...
    Rautaray S.K.
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  • » Agro-techniques for higher yield from rice-based utera cropping in Assam.
    Rautaray S.K.
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  • » Effect of different nutrient management practices in rice blackgram utera cropping...
    Saha S.; Moharana Monalisa
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  • » Camphor pellets as effective botanical fumigants against paddy moth, Sitotrogacerealella.
    Rao J.; Prakash A.; Nandagopal V.
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  • » Evaluation of rice genotypes against white backed plant hopper (Sogatellafurcifera...
    Rath P.C.
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  • » Physiological efficiency of rice hybrids under irrigated condition of Orissa.
    Poonam A.; Swain P.
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  • » Agrophysiological parameters of rice (Oryzasativa) hybrids as affected by different...
    Poonam A.; Swain P.; Rao K.S.
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  • » Combining ability and gene action analysis for morphological and quality traits in...
    Pradhan S.K.; Singh S.
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  • » Knowledge Empowerment through Participatory Trials in Rainfed Rice Ecosystem.
    Pathak M.; Singh R.K.; Dubey A.K.; Dandapat A.; Kumari C.; Shekhar S.; Singh G.P.
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  • » Exploration, collection, characterization, evaluation and conservation of wild rice...
    Patra B.C.; Dhua S.R.; Marandi B.C.; Nayak P.K.; Swain P.; Kumar G.A.K.; Singh K.
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  • » Morpho-agronomic characterization and evaluation of WCG lines in rice
    Patra B.C.; Patnaik S.S.C.; Kumar G.A.K.
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  • » Starch synthesizing enzymes and sink strength of grains of contrasting rice cultivars.
    Mohapatra P.K.; Sarkar R.K.; Kuanar S.R.
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  • » Long term application effects of chemical fertilizer and compost on soil carbon under...
    Nayak P.; Patel D.; Ramakrishnan B.; Mishra A.K; Samantaray R.N.
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  • » Fast chlorophyll fluorescence transients as selection tools for submergence tolerance...
    Panda D.; Sharma S.G.; Sarkar R.K.
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  • » Challenges to the future of agriculture-global perspective
    Pandey M.P.; Ghosh A.
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  • » Role of weather parameters on sheath blight incidence in rice caused by...
    Lenka S.; Mishra S.K.; Mohanty S.K.; Saha Sanjoy
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  • » The potential of double-cropped rice ecology to conserve organic carbon under...
    Mandal B.; Majumder B.; Adhya T.K.; Bandyopadhyay P.K.; Gangopadhyay A.; Sarkar D.; Kundu M.C.; Gupta Choudhury S.; Hazra G.C.; Kundu S.; Samantaray R.N.; Misra A.K.
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  • » Rice ratooning pays in low-lying monocropped areas.
    Meher J.; Poonam Annie
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  • » Water in rice production strategies for mitigating future threats of looming crisis.
    Ghosh A.
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  • » Effectiveness of wild sugarcane (Saccharumspontaneum) against rice case worm...
    Jena M.; Behera K.S.
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  • » Cooperative Societies for sustaining rural livelihood: A case study.
    Dubey A.K.; Singh A.K; Singh R.K; Singh Lakhan; Pathak M.; Dubey V.K.
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  • » Integrated nutrient management by using target yield equations for rice-jute system in...
    Ghosh A.
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