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  • » Co-creation and priority setting for applied and implementation research in One Health:...
    Fasina, F.O.; Nanyingi, M.; Wangila, R.S.; Gikonyo, S.; Omani, R.; Nyariki, T.; Wahome, L.W.; Kiplamai, J.; Tenge, E.; Kivaria, F.; Okuthe, S.; Nzietchueng, S.; Kimani, T.; Kimutai, J.; Mucheru, G.; Njagi, O.; Njogu, G.; Rono, R.; Maina, G.N.; Mogaka, D.; Mathooko, J.; Sirdar, M.M.; Mogoa, E.G.M.; Makumi, Angela; Bett, Bernard K.; Mwatondo, A.; Kimonye, V.K.; Rwego, I.B.; Adan, A.; Wakhusama, S.; Bastiaensen, P.; Bebay, C.
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  • » Chuỗi giá trị thịt lợn nông hộ tại Việt Nam
    Nguyen Thi Duong Nga
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  • » Manuel de formation en Laboratoire sur la conservation et la reconstitution des...
    Tiambo, Christian K.; Kibui, Pauline; Kamidi, C.; Muteti, Charity; Tuan Jun Hu; Kemp, Stephen J.; McGrew, M.
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  • » The assessment and monitoring of forest resources and forestry products statistics in...
    Liu Dachang; Cossalter, C.
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  • » Leaving no one behind: a photovoice case study on vulnerability and wellbeing of...
    Karuga, R.; Steege, R.; Njoroge, I.; Liani, M.; Georgi, N.W.; Otiso, L.; Muturi, N.; Okoth, L.A.; Theobald, S.; Tolhurst, R.
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  • » Get One, Bring One. Creating sustainability for orange-fleshed sweetpotato in school...
    Chipungu, F.P.
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  • » Sustentabilidad de dos sistemas de produccion de semilla pre basica de papa bajo...
    García, M.; Soplin, H.; Ortiz, O.; Chuquillanqui, C.
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  • » Análisis de servicios hidrológicos para orientar intervenciones en dos cuencas andinas:...
    Quintero, Marcela
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  • » Forest policies in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe
    Kowero, G.S.; Kaoneka, A.S.; Nhantumbo, I.; Gondo, P.; Jumbe, C.B.L.
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  • » Seeds of hope in Rwanda: What have we learned?
    Sperling, L.
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  • » The importance of health co-benefits in macroeconomic assessments of UK Greenhouse Gas...
    Tarp Jensen H; Keogh-Brown MR; Smith, R.D.; Chalabi Z; Dangour, Alan D.; Davies, M.; Edwards, P.; Garnett, Tara; Givoni M; Griffiths U; Hamilton I; Jarrett J; Roberts I; Wilkinson P; Woodend, John; Haines A
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  • » Genomic prediction of the performance of hybrids and the combining abilities for line...
    Ao Zhang; Pérez Rodriguez, Paulino; San Vicente, Felix M.; Palacios Rojas, Natalia; Dhliwayo, Thanda; Yubo Liu; Zhenhai Cui; Yuan Guan; Hui Wang; Hongjian Zheng; Olsen, Michael; Boddupalli, P.M.; Yanye Ruan; Crossa, José; Xuecai Zhang
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  • » Sustaining forestry interventions for rural development: Results from a learning...
    Wijayaratna, C.M.; Widanapathirana, A.
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  • » Genetic diversity and population structure of an African yam bean (Sphenostylis...
    Shitta, N.S.; Unachukwu, N.; Edemodu, A.; Abebe, A.T.; Oselebe, H.O.; Abtew, W.G.
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  • » Dampak krisis ekonomi Indonesia terhadap petani kecil dan tutupan hutan alam di luar Jawa
    Sunderlin, William D.; Resosudarmo, I.A.P.; Rianto, E.; Angelsen, A.
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  • » Teak furniture and business responsibility: a global value chain dynamics approach
    Purnomo, H.
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  • » Local governments and forests in the Bolivian lowlands
    Kaimowitz, D.; Pacheco, P.; Johnson, J.; Pavez, I.; Vallejo, C.; Velez, R.
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  • » Case study on dairy value chain in China
    Hongmin, Dong; Sha, Wei; Wollenberg, Eva K.
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  • » Connect. Convene. Facilitate. Scale: Locating the role of the CGIAR Research Initiative...
    Inoubli, Aziza; Adebola, Mariam; Saunders, David; With, Lisa
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  • » Analysis of China’s overseas investment policies
    Wenbin, H.; Wikes, A.
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  • » How useful are perception- and experienced-based measures in predicting actual food...
    Lagerkvist, C.J.; Mwende, J.; Muoki, P.; Okello, J.J.
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  • » Reducing Wild Meat Sales and Promoting Local Food Security: Lessons Learnt from a...
    Van Vliet, N.; Gonzalez, A.; Nyumu, J.; Muhindo, J.; Paemelaere, E.A.D.; Cerutti, P.O.; Nasi, R.
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  • » SAIRLA Milestone 2 progress report for research themes 2 and 3
    Grabowski, Philip; Fischer, Gundula; Egyir, I.S.; Kamoto, J.; Kamphanje-Phiri, J.; Kotu, B.; Darkwah, A.; Zulu, L.
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  • » New paper highlights the co-benefits of coordinating climate action and peacebuilding
    Villarino, Maria Eliza J.
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  • » Dynamics of secondary forests in slash-and-burn farming: interactions among land use...
    Smith, J.; Kop, P. van de; Reategui, K.; Lombardi, I.; Sabogal, C.; Díaz, A.
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