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  • » Performance of selected yellow cassava genotypes for total carotenoid content and yield...
    Akpotuzor, P.A.; Ogwuche, T.O.; Aina, O.O.; Olasupo, T.K.; Ogungbesan, A.; Fashoranti, E.; Agbona, A.; Parkes, E.Y.; Kulakow, Peter
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  • » Digital innovations for high-frequency ground truthing and monitoring of household...
    Lepariyo, Watson; Banerjee, Rupsha R.; Alulu, Vincent; Shikuku, Kelvin Mashisia
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  • » Assessment of Agricultural information needs in African, Caribbean & Pacific (ACP)...
    Chamboko, Tafireyi
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  • » Sources and management of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and Pseudomonas...
    Legard, D.E.; Schwartz, Howard F.
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  • » Ecosystem benefits of ?bright? spots
    Bossio, Deborah A.; Noble, A.D.; Aloysius, Noel; Pretty, Jules N.; Penning de Vries, Frits W.T.
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  • » Nutrient export by clear cutting Eucalyptus grandis of different ages on two sites in...
    Bellote, A.F.J.; Dedecek, R.A.; Silva, H.D. da; Gava, J.L.; Menegol, O.
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  • » Use of timelapse photography to determine flower opening time and pattern in banana...
    Waniale, A.; Swennen, R.; Mukasa, S.; Tugume, A.K.; Kubiriba, J.; Tushemereirwe, W.K.; Uwimana, B.; Gram, G.; Amah, D.; Tumuhimbise, R.
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  • » Multivariate analyses of supposedly duplicate accessions of east African highland...
    Pickersgrill, B.; Vuylsteke, D.R.; Gold, C.; Karamura, E.B.; Kiggundu, A.; Karamura, D.
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  • » Milk production characteristics of the Kenana breed of Bos indicus cattle in Sudan
    Wilson, R.T.; Ward, P.N.; Saeed, A.M.; Light, D.E.
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  • » Irrigation institutions in a dynamic economy: What is China doing differently from India?
    Shah, Tushaar; Giordano, Mark; Wang, Jinxia
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  • » Strengthening the potato seed system in Georgia: Preliminary results.
    Carli, C.; Gulbani, A.; Khidesheli, Z.; Kobalatse, K.
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  • » Factors influencing duiker dung decay in north-east Gabon: are dung beetles hiding...
    Vliet, N. van; Nasi, Robert; Lumaret, J.P.
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  • » Moving towards environmentally sustainable water allocation in South Asia
    Bharati, Luna
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  • » Indicators of soil quality: a South-South development of a methdological guide for...
    Barrios, E.; Delve, Robert J.; Bekunda, Mateete A.; Mowo, J.; Agunda, J; Ramisch, Joshua J.; Trejo Tercero, M.T.; Thomas, Richard J.
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  • » Understanding and integrating local perceptions of trees and forests into incentives...
    Pfund, J.L.; Watts, J.D.; Boissiere, M.; Boucard, A.; Bullock, Renee; Ekadinata, A.; Dewi, S.; Feintrenie, L.; Levang, P.; Rantala, S.; Sheil, Douglas; Sunderland, Terry C.H.
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  • » The Indus and the Ganges: river basins under extreme pressure
    Sharma, Bharat R.; Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Xueliang Cai; Condappa, D. de; Shah, Tushaar; Mukherji, Aditi; Bharati, Luna; Ambili, G.K.; Qureshi, Asad Sarwar; Pant, Dhruba; Xenarios, Stefanos; Singh, R.; Smakhtin, Vladimir U.
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  • » Food safety in ASSET flagship-level theory of change process in Son La and Dien Bien...
    Lienhard, P.
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  • » Rapid assessment of potato productivity in Kigezi and Elgon highlands in Uganda.
    Okoboi, G.; Kashaija, I.; Kakuhenzire, R.; Lemaga, B.; Tibanyendera, D.
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  • » Visualizing the invisible: harnessing local initiative for conjunctive management of...
    Scott, C.
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  • » Water and land productivities of wheat and food legumes with deficit supplemental...
    Karrou M; Oweis, Theib Y.
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  • » Catalyzing collaborative monitoring processes in joint forest management situations:...
    Mutimukuru, T.; Kozanayi, W.; Nyirenda, R.
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  • » Otonomi daerah bidang kehutanan: implementasi dan tantangan kebijakan perimbangan keuangan
    Subarudi; Dwiprabowo, H.
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  • » Recent resource surveys for rural development in southern Darfur, Sudan
    Wilson, R.T.
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  • » Weather Conditions and Warm Air Masses in Southern Sakha During Active Forest Fire Periods
    Hayasaka, H.; Yamazaki, K.; Naito, D.
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  • » Cartillas para CIAL [Comités de Investigación Agrícola Local]
    International Center for Tropical Agriculture
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