
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » The effect of tillage, crop rotation and residue management on maize and wheat growth and development evaluated with an optical sensor
  • » Factors affecting cropping intensity in Barani areas of Northern Punjab, Pakistan
  • » The rice-wheat pattern in the Nepal Terai: Issues in the identification and definition of sustainability problems
  • » Extent and causes of low yield in maize planted late by smallholder farmers in sub-humid areas of Zimbabwe
  • » On-farm experimentation with intercrops: a summary of issues from a workshop held in Malawi
  • » Response of four maize varieties to nitrogen at Lisungwi extension planning area, Mwanza, Malawi
  • » On-farm evaluation of short-season sorghum and fertilizer for smallholder farmers in a semi-arid region of Zimbabwe
  • » Use of tine-tillage, with atrazine weed control, to permit earlier planting of maize by smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe
  • » Fertilizer response in irrigated maize in the Swat Valley: A synthesis of five years of on-farm research
  • » Deriving fertilizer recommendations with a flexible function form
  • » Effect of Dicamba on the control of Striga hermonthica in maize in Western Kenya
  • » Effect of nitrogen and plant density on the performance of Pwani hybrid maize
  • » Effect of stubble management, tillage and cropping sequence on the severity of take-all and eyespot diseases of wheat
  • » Intercropping controls Striga in maize based farming systems
  • » Maize-rice cropping systems in Bangladesh: Status and research needs
  • » Intercropping wheat and barley with N-fixing legume species: A method for improving ground cover, N-use efficiency and productivity in low input systems
  • » Date of sowing effects on grain yield and yield components of irrigated spring wheat cultivars and relationships with radiation and temperature in Ludhiana, India
  • » Potential for cereal-based double cropping in Bale Region of Southeastern Ethiopia
  • » Velvetbean: A "new" plant with a history
  • » Evaluation of sorghum technologies for smallholders in a semi-arid region of Zimbabwe (Part I). Production practices and development of an experimental agenda
  • » Evaluation of sorghum technologies for smallholders in a semi-arid region of Zimbabwe. 2: Sorghum varieties against fertilizer trials
  • » Reconciling conflicts in sequential cropping patterns through plant breeding: The example of cotton and wheat in Pakistan's Punjab
  • » Grass weed competition with bread wheat in Ethiopia. 1. Effects on selected crop and weed vegetative parameters and yield components
  • » Grass weed competition with bread wheat in Ethiopia. 2: Prediction of grain yield loss and implications for economic weed control
  • » The adoption of soil conservation technology in El Salvador: Linking productivity and conservation
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