
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Grain yield of barley as affected by cropping sequence and fertilizer application in Southeastern Ethiopia
  • » The effects of several crop management systems on bread wheat yields in the Ethiopian Highlands
  • » Grain yield of wheat as affected by cropping sequence and fertilizer application in Southeastern Ethiopia
  • » On-farm evaluation of an animal-drawn implement developed in Ethiopia for row placement of wheat seed and basal fertilizer
  • » Grass weed competition and calculated economic threshold densities in bread wheat in Ethiopia
  • » Effect of nitrogen fertiliser applied to tef on the yield and N response of succeeding tef and durum wheat on a highland vertisol
  • » Experiences with crop residue cover and direct seeding in the Bolivian highlands
  • » Developing improved crop technologies within the context of Pakistan's multiple cropping systems
  • » Integration of environmental, agronomic, and economic aspects of fertilizer management
  • » Rentabilidad del sistema de abonera en el Litoral Atlántico de Honduras
  • » Distinguishing nitrification and denitrification sources of N2O in Mexican wheat systems using 15N as a tracer.
  • » Relay-intercropping of sunnhemp and cowpea into a smallholder maize system in Zimbabwe
  • » Productivity and profitability of maize + groundnut rotations compared with continuous maize on smallholder farms in Zimbabwe
  • » Integrated nutrient management strategies for soil fertility improvement and Striga control on Northern Ethiopia
  • » Striga control and improved farm productivity using crop rotation
  • » Importance of P uptake efficiency versus P utilization for wheat yield in acid and calcareous soils in Mexico
  • » Tillage and crop establishment in South Asian rice -wheat systems: Present practices and future options
  • » Crop rotation, tillage and crop residue management for wheat and maize in the sub-humid tropical highlands II. Maize and system performance
  • » Crop rotation, tillage and crop residue management for wheat and maize in the sub-humid tropical highlands I. Wheat and legume performance
  • » Participatory conservation tillage research: An experience with minimum tillage on an Ethiopian highland Vertisol
  • » On-farm experiments with maize-mucuna systems in the Los Tuxtlas region of Veracruz, México. I. Mucuna biomass and maize grain yield
  • » On-farm experiments with maize-mucuna systems in the Los Tuxtlas region of Veracruz, southern Mexico. II. Mucuna variety evaluation and subsequent maize grain yield
  • » Soil, Climate, and management impacts on regional wheat productivity in Mexico from remote sensing
  • » Remote sensing of regional crop production in the Yaqui Valley, Mexico: Estimates and uncertainties
  • » The potential impacts of climate change on maize production in Africa and Latin America in 2055
901 - 925 of 8648 Items    << < 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 > >>