
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Comparative performance of conservation agriculture and current smallholder farming practices in semi-arid Zimbabwe
  • » Improving irrigated rice production in the Senegal River Valley through experiential learning and innovation
  • » Yield, water productivity and nutrient balances under the system of rice intensification and recommended management practices in the Sahel
  • » Soil fertility management effects on maize productivity and grain zinc content in smallholder farming systems of Zimbabwe
  • » Productivity and sustainability of the rice-wheat cropping system in the indo-gangetic plains of the Indian subcontinent: Problems, opportunities, and strategies
  • » Conservation agriculture systems for Malawian smallholder farmers: long term effects on crop productivity, profitability and soil quality
  • » Economics of nitrogen fertiliser application in rice, wheat and maize grown in the indo-gangetic plains
  • » Maximizing productivity and improving nutrition through intercropping quality protein maize and potato
  • » A comparative analysis of conservation agriculture systems: Benefits and challenges of rotations and intercropping in Zimbabwe
  • » Genotypic trade-offs between water productivity and weed competition under the System of Rice Intensification in the Sahel
  • » Conservation agriculture in eastern and southern provinces of Zambia: Long-term effects on soil quality and maize productivity
  • » Impact of conservation agriculture on catchment runoff and soil loss under changing climate conditions in May Zeg-zeg (Ethiopia)
  • » Development of the conservation agriculture equipment industry in Sub-saharan Africa
  • » Bacterial diversity as affected by tillage practice in a raised bed planting system
  • » Conservation agriculture, increased organic carbon in the top-soil macro-aggregates and reduced soil CO2 emissions
  • » Effect of different tillage and seeding methods on energy use efficiency and productivity of wheat in the Indo-Gangetic plains
  • » Cumulative effects of reduced tillage and mulching on soil properties under semi-arid conditions
  • » Potassium Fertilization in Rice-Wheat System across Northern India: Crop Performance and Soil Nutrients
  • » Maize-based conservation agriculture systems in Malawi: Long-term trends in productivity
  • » Root distribution patterns of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.): a field study
  • » Relay planting of wheat in cotton: an innovative technology for enhancing productivity and profitability of wheat in cotton-wheat production system of South Asia
  • » Conservation agriculture in Central Asia - What do we know and where do we go from here?
  • » Root-root interactions: extending our perspective to be more inclusive of the range of theories in ecology and agriculture using in-vivo analyses
  • » Evaluation of three field-based methods for quantifying soil carbon
  • » Enhanced resolution of somatic chromosome constrictions as an aid to identifying intergeneric hybrids among some Triticeae
1076 - 1100 of 8648 Items    << < 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 > >>