
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Statistical genetics and simulation models in genetic resources conservation and regeneration
  • » Genetic diversity among CIMMYT maize inbred lines investigated with SSR markers: I. lowland tropical maize
  • » A workshop report on wheat genome sequencing: international genome research on wheat consortium
  • » Ecological distribution and species diversity of Aegilops L. genus in Bulgaria
  • » Comparative map and trait viewer (CMTV): an integrated bioinformatic tool to construct consensus maps and compare QTL and functional genomics data across genomes and experiments
  • » Identifying isoyield environments for field pea production
  • » Inheritance of Kernel elongation in rice
  • » Studying crossover genotype x environment interaction using linear-bilinear models and mixed models
  • » A new intervarietal linkage map and its application for quantitative trait locus analysis of "gigas" features in bread wheat
  • » Genetic diversity among and within CIMMYT wheat landrace accessions investigated with SSRs and implications for plant genetic resources management
  • » Registration of 'Doyce' hulless barley
  • » Comparing a preliminary racial classification with a numerical classification of the maize landraces of Uruguay
  • » Quantifying novel sequence variation and selective advantage in synthetic hexaploid wheats and their backcross-derived lines using SSR markers
  • » Spatial analysis of cDNA microarray experiments
  • » Triticum dicoccoides: an important genetic resource for increasing zinc and iron concentration in modern cultivated wheat
  • » Molecular breeding for maize improvement: An overview
  • » Inheritance of gelatinization temperature in rice
  • » Mapping QTLs for polyphenol oxidase activity in a DH population from common wheat
  • » Biotechnology applications for wheat improvement at CIMMYT
  • » A sampling strategy for conserving genetic diversity when forming core subsets
  • » Genetic characterization of 218 elite CIMMYT maize inbred lines using RFLP markers
  • » Agronomic characteristics, malt quality, and disease resistance of barley germplasm lines with partial fusarium head bligt resistance
  • » Using computer simulation of the selection process and known gene information to assist in parental selection in wheat quality breeding
  • » Extension of the visualization tool mapman to allow statistical analysis of arrays, display of coresponding genes, and comparison with known responses
  • » Analysis of genetic factors influencing the developmental rate of globally important CIMMYT wheat cultivars
1151 - 1175 of 8648 Items    << < 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 > >>