
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Kernel microstructure of Latin American races of maize and their thermal and rheological properties
  • » CaracterizaciĆ³n de la diversidad del pasto nativo Bouteloua curtipendula Michx. Torr. mediante marcadores de AFLP
  • » Analysis of a three-way interaction including multi-attributes
  • » A bayesian approach for assessing the stability of genotypes
  • » Simulation approach and its applications in plant breeding
  • » QTL mapping of grain length in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using chromosome segment substitution lines
  • » Agronomic performance and multiple disease resistance in T1BS-2RL wheat-rye translocation lines
  • » Modeling additive x environment and additive x additive x environment using genetic covariances of relatives of wheat genotypes
  • » Development of a fingerprinting database and assembling an SSR reference kit for genetic diversity analysis of wheat
  • » Regulation of secondary metabolism by the carbon-nitrogen status in tobacco: nitrate inhibits large sectors of phenylpropanoid metabolism
  • » Structural equation modelling for studying genotype x environment interactions of physiological traits affecting yield in wheat
  • » Characterization of wheat landraces of Xinjiang-Uygur autonomous District of China based on genetic diversity of microsatellite DNA Polymorphism and several agronomic traits
  • » Application of population genetic theory and simulation models to efficiently pyramid multiple genes via marker-assisted selection
  • » Development, characterization and utilization of microsatellite markers in pigeonpea
  • » Application of identified QTL-marker associations in rice quality improvement through a design-breeding approach
  • » A modified algorithm for the improvement of composite interval mapping
  • » The molecularization of public sector crop breeding: Progress, problems, and prospects
  • » Simulation modeling in plant breeding: Principles and applications
  • » Transgenic technology: Pro-poor or pro-rich?
  • » Empirical comparison of simple sequence repeats and single nucleotide polymorphisms in assessment of maize diversity and relatedness
  • » Genetic distance based on SSR markers and testcross performance of maize inbred lines
  • » Genetic diversity in conventional and synthetic wheats with drought and salinity tolerance based on AFLP
  • » Natural genetic variation in lycopene epsilon cyclase tapped for maize biofortification
  • » Overview on crop genetic engineering for drought-prone environments
  • » Development of a West African yam Dioscorea spp. core collection
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