
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Seedling resistance to tan spot and Stagonospora nodorum blotch in synthetic hexaploid wheat
  • » New durum wheat with hessian fly resistance from Triticum araraticum and T. carthlicum in Morocco
  • » Identification of a microsatellite on chromosome 7B showing a strong linkage with yellow pigment in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum)
  • » Genetic an physical mapping of photoperiod insentisive gene Ppd-B1 in common wheat
  • » Carbon isotope discrimination, leaf ash content and grain yield in bread and durum wheat grown under full-irrigated conditions
  • » Utilization of 1BL/1RS translocation in wheat breeding in China
  • » Relationships between grain yield, flag leaf morphology, carbon isotope discrimination and ash content in irrigated wheat
  • » Effect of 1BL/1RS translocation on grain quality and noodle quality in bread wheat
  • » Measurement of wheat hardness by near infrared transmittance spectroscopy
  • » Variation of photosynthetic pigment concentration and composition and their association with yield in irrigated wheat
  • » Association between canopy reflectance indices and yield and physiological traits in bread wheat under drought and well-irrigated conditions
  • » Durum wheat (Triticum tirgidum, L.) carrying the 1BL/1RS chromosomal translocation: agronomic performance and quality characteristics under mediterranean conditions
  • » Resistance to Helminthosporium Leaf blight and agronomic performance of spring wheat genotypes of diverse origins
  • » Effect of environment and genotype on bread-making quality of spring-sown spring wheat cultivars in China
  • » Helminthosporium leaf blight resistance and agronomic performance of wheat genotypes across warm regions of South Asia
  • » Registration of 'Tlaxcala F2000' wheat
  • » Registration of 'Nahuatl F2000' wheat
  • » Registration of 'Juchi F2000' wheat
  • » Registration of IDO602 spring wheat germplasm
  • » Osmotic adjustment in wheat in relation to grain yield under water deficit environments
  • » Combining field surveys, remote sensing, and regression trees to understand yield variations in an irrigated wheat landscape
  • » Epidemiology of foliar blights (spot blotch and tan spot) of wheat in the plains bordering the Himalayas
  • » Sink-limitation to yield and biomass: a summary of some investigation in spring wheat
  • » Cactodera galinsogae N.Sp (Tylenchida: heteroderinae) on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) of the high valleys of Mexico
  • » Effects of the root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus thornei, on wheat yields in México
1876 - 1900 of 8648 Items    << < 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 > >>