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  • » Vegetables value chain development in Fogera district: experiences from IPMS project...
    Gebey, T.; Berhe, Kahsay; Hoekstra, Dirk
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  • » Management of internal parasites in goats in the Philippines
    Montes, N.D.; Zapata, N.R.; Alo, A.M.P.; Mullen, J.D.
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  • » Index insurance and climate risk: prospects for development and disaster management
    Hellmuth, M.E.; Osgood, D.E.; Hess, U.; Moorhead, A.; Bhojwani, H.
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  • » Combating avian influenza in developing countries: The role of applied research in...
    McDermott, John J.; Mariner, Jeffrey C.; Rich, Karl M.; Omore, Amos O.
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  • » Smallholder dairy production and markets: a comparison of production systems in Zambia,...
    Moll, H.A.J.; Staal, Steven J.; Ibrahim, Mohamed N.M.
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  • » Categorisation of dairy production systems: A strategy for targeting meaningful...
    Mubiru, S.L.; Tenywa, J.S.; Halberg, N.; Romney, D.L.; Nanyeenya, W.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Staal, Steven J.
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  • » Estimating policy effects on spatial market efficiency: An extension of the parity...
    Negassa, A.; Myers, R.J.
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  • » HACCP implementation and economic optimality in turkey processing.
    Nganje, W.E.; Kaitibie, S.; Sorin, A.
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  • » Risk factors of gastrointestinal nematode parasite infections in small ruminants kept...
    Odoi, A.; Gathuma, J.M.; Gachuiri, C.K.; Omore, Amos O.
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  • » An integrated epidemiological-economic analysis of foot and mouth disease: Applications...
    Rich, Karl M.; Winter-Nelson, A.
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  • » Seasonal and intermarket differences in price of small ruminants in Ethiopia
    Ayele, G.; Jabbar, M.A.; Teklewold, H.; Mulugeta, E.; Kebede, G.
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  • » Investigation of the risk of exposure to antimicrobial residues present in marketed...
    Kurwijila, Lusato R.; Omore, Amos O.; Staal, Steven J.; Mdoe, N.S.Y.
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  • » Predicting food safety losses in turkey processing and the economic incentives of...
    Nganje, W.E.; Siaplay, M.; Kaitibie, S.; Acquah, E.T.
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  • » Estimation and comparison of benefits due to feeding hay and silage during the dry...
    Schoonhoven, Aart van; Holmann, Federico J.; Argel M., Pedro J.; Pérez, E.; Ordoñez, Jenny C.; Chaves, J.
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  • » Certification for regional and international trade in livestock commodities: The need...
    Thomson, G.R.; Perry, Brian D.; Catley, A.; Leyland, T.J.; Penrith, M.L.; Donaldson, A.I.
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  • » Finding strategies that work in developing countries: A one-size-fits-all solution...
    Narrod, C.A.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Rich, Karl M.; Seré Rabé, Carlos
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  • » Risk of infection with Brucella abortus and Escherichia coli O157:H7 associated with...
    Arimi, S.M.; Koroti, E.; Kang'ethe, Erastus K.; Omore, Amos O.; McDermott, John J.
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  • » Evidence and implications of non-tradability of food staples in Tanzania 1983-1998
    Delgado, Christopher L.; Minot, N.; Tiongco, M.M.
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  • » Beekeeping development using value chain approach in Fogera district: experiences from...
    Gebey, T.; Berhe, Kahsay; Hoekstra, Dirk
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  • » Estrategias para minimizar la escasez de forrajes en zonas con sequías prolongadas en...
    Fujisaka, Sam; Holmann, Federico J.; Peters, Michael; Schmidt, A.; Burgos, C.; Mena Urbina, Martin A.; Posas, M.I.; Cruz, H.; Davis, C.; Hincapié Carvajal, Belisario
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  • » Increasing economic benefit from apiculture through value chain development approach:...
    Shiferaw, A.; Jaleta, Moti; Gebremedhin, Berhanu; Hoekstra, Dirk
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  • » Market and other factors affecting farm-specific production efficiency in poultry...
    Jabbar, M.A.; Akter, S.
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  • » Investigation of the risk of consuming marketed milk with antimicrobial residues in Kenya
    Kang'ethe, Erastus K.; Aboge, G.O.; Arimi, S.M.; Kanja, L.W.; Omore, Amos O.; McDermott, John J.
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  • » Arachis pintoi in the humid tropics of Colombia: A forage legume success story
    Lascano, Carlos E.; Peters, Michael; Holmann, Federico J.
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  • » Household and environmental factors influencing anthropometric outcomes in pre-school...
    Okike, I.; Jabbar, M.A.; Abate, G.; Ketema, L.
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