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  • » Simple State space models in a mixed model framework
    Piepho, Hans-Peter; Ogutu, Joseph O.
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  • » Sustainable crop-livestock production for improved livelihoods and natural resource...
    Williams, Timothy O.; Tarawali, Shirley A.; Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.; Fernández Rivera, S.
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  • » Risk mapping for HPAI H5N1 in Africa - Improving surveillance for bird flu: Initial...
    Stevens, K.; Glanville, William A. de; Costard, S.; Métras, R.; Theuri, W.; Kruska, R.L.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Grace, Delia; Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.
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  • » Knowledge to action: ILRI’s role in a changing world
    Seré Rabé, Carlos
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  • » Risk mapping for HPAI H5N1 in Africa - Improving surveillance for bird flu:...
    Stevens, K.; Glanville, William A. de; Costard, S.; Métras, R.; Theuri, W.; Kruska, R.L.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Grace, Delia; Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.
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  • » Factors associated with farm households' movement into and out of poverty in Kenya: The...
    Burke, W.J.; Jayne, T.S.; Freeman, H.A.; Kristjanson, Patricia M.
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  • » Genetic enhancement of sorghum and millet residues fed to ruminants: farmers'...
    Underwood, M.P.; Hall, A.J.; Zerbini, E.
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  • » Writing convincing research proposals and effective scientific reports. Part A: writing...
    Baguma, S.; Anandajayasekeram, P.; Puskur, Ranjitha
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  • » Risk mapping for HPAI H5N1 in Africa - Improving surveillance for bird flu: Overview of...
    Stevens, K.; Glanville, William A. de; Costard, S.; Métras, R.; Theuri, W.; Kruska, R.L.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Grace, Delia; Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.
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  • » Risk mapping for HPAI H5N1 in Africa - Improving surveillance for bird flu: User guide...
    Stevens, K.; Glanville, William A. de; Costard, S.; Métras, R.; Theuri, W.; Kruska, R.L.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Grace, Delia; Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.
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  • » Mapping poverty and livestock in the developing world
    Thornton, Philip K.; Kruska, R.L.; Henninger, N.; Kristjanson, Patricia M.; Reid, Robin S.; Atieno, F.; Odero, A.N.; Ndegwa, T.
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  • » Improvement of livestock production in crop-animal systems in the agro-ecological zones...
    Devendra, C.; Thomas, D.; Jabbar, M.A.; Zerbini, E.
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  • » Analysis of fruit and vegetable market chains in Alamata, Southern Zone of Tigray: the...
    Gessesse, A.
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  • » Writing convincing research proposals and effective scientific reports. Part B:...
    Baguma, S.; Anandajayasekeram, P.; Puskur, Ranjitha
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  • » Global agenda for livestock research: Proceedings of a consultation on setting...
    Thomson, E.F.; Kaufmann, Ralph R. von; Li Pun, H.H.; Treacher, T.; Houten, H. van
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  • » Cartographie du risque d’influenza aviaire de sous-type H5N1 en Afrique - Amélioration...
    Stevens, K.; Glanville, William A. de; Costard, S.; Métras, R.; Theuri, W.; Kruska, R.L.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Grace, Delia; Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.
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  • » Cartographie du risque d’influenza aviaire de sous-type H5NI en Afrique - Amélioration...
    Stevens, K.; Glanville, William A. de; Costard, S.; Métras, R.; Theuri, W.; Kruska, R.L.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Grace, Delia; Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.
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  • » Cartographie du risque d’influenza aviaire de sous-type H5NI en Afrique - Amélioration...
    Stevens, K.; Glanville, William A. de; Costard, S.; Métras, R.; Theuri, W.; Kruska, R.L.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Grace, Delia; Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.
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  • » Cartographie du risque d’influenza aviaire de sous-type H5NI en Afrique - Amélioration...
    Stevens, K.; Glanville, William A. de; Costard, S.; Métras, R.; Theuri, W.; Kruska, R.L.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Grace, Delia; Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.
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  • » Research and development strategies for the livestock sector in South-east Asia through...
    Frio, A.S.; Gray, G.D.
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  • » African animal trypanosomosis in West Africa: What makes livestock keepers not use...
    Affognon, Hippolyte D.; Randolph, Thomas F.
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  • » Do social networks influence livestock keepers’ know-how on animal trypanosomosis and...
    Affognon, Hippolyte D.; Dabiré, D.; Sidibe, I.; Randolph, Thomas F.
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  • » Disseminating research results on trypanocide resistance in West Africa: a method for...
    Affognon, Hippolyte D.; Matsaert, H.; Puskur, Ranjitha; Randolph, Thomas F.
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  • » Field detection and evaluation of trypanocidal drug resistance in the Sissala East...
    Allegye-Cudjoe, E.; Vitouley, H.; Randolph, Thomas F.; Diall, O.; Sidibe, I.; Mahama, C.I.
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  • » An advance in value chain analysis for smallholder livestock keepers: VAIMS
    Baker, Derek; Taljaard, P.; Spies, D.; Nel, W.; Jooste, A.; Laubscher, K.; Hoffman, L.; Rich, Karl M.; Haskins, B.; Bonnet, P.
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