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  • » La información agrícola y el intercambio de conocimientos: portunidades promisorias...
    Ballantyne, Peter G.
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  • » Better management of cattle trypanosomosis through training farmers in rational drug...
    Grace, Delia; Randolph, Thomas F.; Diall, O.; Clausen, P.H.
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  • » Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding the control of trypanosomosis in three...
    Grace, Delia; Randolph, Thomas F.; Diall, O.; Clausen, P.H.
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  • » Evaluating farmers’ preference for the attributes of a new tsetse repellent in Kenya: a...
    Irungu, P.; Bett, Bernard K.; Mbogoh, S.G.; Nyamwaro, Sospeter S.; Randolph, Thomas F.
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  • » Benchmarking CGIAR research outputs for availability and accessibility
    Arivananthan, M.; Ballantyne, Peter G.; Porcari, Enrica M.
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  • » Using the theory of planned behaviour to evaluate farmers’ acceptance of a new tsetse...
    Irungu, P.; Bett, Bernard K.; Mbogoh, S.G.; Nyamwaro, Sospeter S.; Randolph, Thomas F.
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  • » Geographic distribution of cattle and shoats populations and their market supply sheds...
    Jabbar, M.A.; Negassa, A.; Gidyelew, T.
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  • » Formal and informal contract farming in poultry in Bangladesh
    Jabbar, M.A.; Rahman, M.H.; Talukder, R.K.; Raha, S.K.
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  • » Consumption of, and willingness to pay for, indigenous small ruminants’ meat in...
    Juma, G.P.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Drucker, A.G.; Ngigi, M.
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  • » Market power and efficiency in indigenous small ruminant marketing channels in...
    Juma, G.P.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Drucker, A.G.; Ngigi, M.
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  • » Agricultural diversification in Bihar: prospects and challenges
    Kumar, A.; Sharma, A.N.
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  • » Performance of livestock production system in India: where rain-fed region stands?
    Kumar, A.; Singh, D.K.
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  • » Contract farming for livestock: some empirical evidence and implications for policy
    Lapar, Ma. Lucila
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  • » Analysis of the Ethio-Sudan cross border cattle trade: the case of Amhara regional state
    Mulugeta, E.; Gebremedhin, Berhanu; Hoekstra, Dirk; Jabbar, M.A.
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  • » Sustainability issues in the diversification and increase of exports of animal products...
    Negassa, A.
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  • » Commercial off-take of cattle under smallholder mixed crop-livestock production system...
    Negassa, A.; Jabbar, M.A.
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  • » Livestock ownership, commercial off-take rates and their determinants in Ethiopia
    Negassa, A.; Jabbar, M.A.
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  • » Enhancing Ethiopia’s livestock producers’ access to live animals and meat export...
    Negassa, A.; Jabbar, M.A.
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  • » Improving pastoralists’ livelihoods through evaluation of small ruminants’ traits: the...
    Omondi, Immaculate A.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Obare, G.A.
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  • » Linking the consumer to the producer: achieving full benefits of small ruminant genetic...
    Omondi, Immaculate A.; Juma, G.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Drucker, A.G.; Obare, G.A.; Ngigi, M.; Zander, K.K.
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  • » New methods for integrated models of animal disease control
    Rich, Karl M.
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  • » The emerging exporter’s dilemma: a model and case study of strategic product innovation...
    Rich, Karl M.; Kaitibie, S.
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  • » A supply chain approach to public-private partnerships: theory, examples, and extensions
    Rich, Karl M.; Narrod, C.A.
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  • » Emerging issues in animal health economics: topical and methodological considerations
    Rich, Karl M.; Winter-Nelson, A.
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  • » New challenges, new responsibilities: the role of government in promoting agriculture,...
    Rich, Karl M.; Moyo, Siboniso; Perry, Brian D.; Freeman, H.A.
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1051 - 1075 of 42817 Items    << < 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 > >>