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  • » Foot and Mouth Disease: a global perspective
    Perry, Brian D.
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  • » The global poverty reduction agenda: what are the implications for animal health...
    Perry, Brian D.
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  • » Market failures and the role of public-private partnerships to enhance smallholder...
    Rich, Karl M.; Narrod, C.A.
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  • » Interactions, externalities, time and space: implications for agricultural innovation...
    Rich, Karl M.; Spielman, David J.; Gardner, J.G.
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  • » Influencia de los supermercados en la producción y el comercio de la carne bovina en...
    Schuetz, P.
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  • » Forms of contract farming, what they are supposed to do, and governance issues
    Tiongco, M.M.; Lapar, Ma. Lucila
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  • » A hedonic analysis of cattle prices in the central corridor of West Africa:...
    Williams, Timothy O.; Okike, I.; Spycher, B.
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  • » A study of smallholder farmers’ choice of dairy cattle traits and genotypes in...
    Anunda, F.O.; Okeyo Mwai, Ally; Wakhungu, Judi W.; Ouma, R.; Baltenweck, Isabelle
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  • » Smallholders and contract farming: relevance for the IPMS project in Ethiopia
    Jabbar, M.A.
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  • » Contractual relations in markets
    Jabbar, M.A.; Delgado, Christopher L.; Minot, N.
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  • » Food safety and agricultural health standards: challenges and opportunities for...
    Jaffee, S.; Jabbar, M.A.
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  • » Indian fisheries exports: impact of trade policy reforms and food safety standards
    Kumar, A.
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  • » Agricultural growth and productivity in India: an inter-state variation
    Kumar, A.; Elumalai, K.
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  • » Technologies for enhancing value addition, quality and safety of milk produced by...
    Kurwijila, Lusato R.; Lore, Tezira A.; Omore, Amos O.
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  • » Measuring cost efficiency in smallholder dairy: empirical evidence from Northeast Thailand
    Lapar, Ma. Lucila; García, A.; Aditto, S.; Suriya, P.
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  • » Institutional and technological innovations to transform informal milk markets in the...
    Lore, Tezira A.; Kurwijila, Lusato R.; Omore, Amos O.
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  • » The future of crop-livestock systems in the densely populated highlands of Kenya
    Steeg, Jeannette van de; Verburg, P.H.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Herrero, Mario T.; Makokha, S.; Staal, Steven J.
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  • » Crop-livestock system dynamics in the densely populated highlands of Kenya
    Steeg, Jeannette van de; Verburg, P.H.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Makokha, S.; Staal, Steven J.
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  • » Farming system dynamics as result of demographic change in the densely populated...
    Steeg, Jeannette van de; Verburg, P.H.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Makokha, S.; Staal, Steven J.
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  • » Artificial or natural insemination: the demand for breeding services by smallholders.
    Baltenweck, Isabelle; Ouma, R.; Anunda, F.; Okeyo Mwai, Ally; Romney, D.L.
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  • » Contract farming and other institutional arrangements in livestock markets in North...
    Costales, A.; Delgado, Christopher L.; Jabbar, M.A.
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  • » A brave new world for global meat and dairy: the rise of developing countries
    Delgado, Christopher L.
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  • » Determinants and implications of livestock industrialization in selected developing...
    Delgado, Christopher L.
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  • » Global trends in meat and milk and their implications for developing countries and poor...
    Delgado, Christopher L.
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  • » International meat trends and economic issues in improved foot-and-mouth disease control
    Delgado, Christopher L.
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