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Comparison of QTLs mapped in RILs and their test-cross progenies of tropical maize for insect resistance and agronomic traits


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Title Comparison of QTLs mapped in RILs and their test-cross progenies of tropical maize for insect resistance and agronomic traits
Creator Groh, S
Khairallah, M M
Hoisington, D A
et al, .
Subject Maize
Description QuantItatIve traIt lOCI (QTL) affectlllg resIstance to south-western corn
borer Dzatraea grandzosella (SWCB) and sugarcane borer Dzatraea saccharalzs
(SCB) have been Identmed prevIOusly III F 23 lInes and recomblllant
Illbred lInes (RILs) of tropIcal maJ.Ze uSlllg restnctlOn fragment
length polymorphIsm (RFLP) analyses. Our 0 bJectlve was to detenrune
whether QTLs IdentIfied III these generatIOns are also expressed III testcrosses
(TC) of RILs A population of 166 TC progemes was developed
by crosslllg RILs from the cross CML131 (susceptIble) x CML67
(resIstant) WIth the unrelated, susceptIble tester lIne CML216. ReSIstance
to first-generatIOn SWCB, measured as leaf-feedmg damage (LFD)
under artIfiCIal mfestatlOn, and other agronomIc traIts were evaluated
m two envIronments for the TC progemes and three enVIronments for
183 RILs The correlatIon between Ime per se and TC performance was
low for LFD and mtermeruate for most agronormc traIts EstImates of
the genotYPIc vanance and hentabllItIes were smaller m the TC progemes
than m the RILs for all traIts QuantItatIve traIt lOCI were IdentIfied
usmg an RFLP Imkage map WIth 136 lOCI For LFD, four QTLs
were detected m the TC progemes, of whIch two were m common WIth
nme QTLs preVIously mapped m the RILs Few QTLs for agronolillc
traits were common to the two types of progeny, because of the low
consIstency of QTL pOSItIons for all traIts m RIL and TC progemes,
the use of TC progemes should be conSIdered m QTL mappmg sturues
as the first step for marker-assIsted selectIOn m hybnd breedmg
Publisher Blackwell Publishing
Date 1998
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language en
Groh, S and Khairallah, M M and Hoisington, D A and et al, . (1998) Comparison of QTLs mapped in RILs and their test-cross progenies of tropical maize for insect resistance and agronomic traits. Plant Breeding, 117. pp. 193-202. ISSN 0179-9541